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Techno pov

We got to the house and to my disliking my cape was just left in the couch. I went over and picked it up putting it on " Philza what do I do about this all?"

3rd person pov.

Philza smiled well let's start from the beginning what do you think about her?

Y/n looked at the boys as they continued on with the rant. "He must think I'm helpless or something!"

Techno sighed. "She's literally been captured and over came that Philza! She's so capable of everything..."

"And it doesn't even end there! I try to fix everything so maybe he'd have more faith in me so I take up fighting and it's like he refuses to actually teach me anything!" She complained to Tommy.

"And then she took up fighting... she caught on so quickly but I'm so scared I'd hurt her so I just wanted to make sure she was fully prepared!" Techno looked towards Philza who nudged him to keep going.

"God and don't even get me started on the fact it was all my fault all this is happening my whole existence here is a mistake!" Y/n looked down.

"Shes literally a blessing phil.... She's thriving in a world that isn't meant for her."

"All I do is cause trouble... god the first thing I did when I got here was go run off can cause trouble!"

"She's selfless not even a week in here she has no idea what she's doing yet she runs off to go try to save someone..."

"And techno probably hates me guys... I bet he's just been waiting to let some steam off like today..."

"Damn it Phil I think I love her." Techno confessed

"And if i could just run away I would but I so stupid I fell for the guy so I can't even just avoid him!" She confessed

Philza looked at techno a soft smile on his face. While Tommy and ranboo looked at y/n a look Of worry on their faces.

Ranboo put a hand on y/n's shoulder "oh so was that why you were would get all red when you two would train?"

Y/n just looked away a light blush dusted on her face "maybe... but he made it very clear today he doesn't feel the same... I'm just some stupid girl who's not supposed to be here... like he said earlier he could've just left out me to die in the snow that night... I'm sure Philza was the one who talked him into saving me."

Unbeknownst to y/n the two males shared a look at each other a silent agreement passed along them.

Y/n pov.

"Well you know what screw that prick!" Tommy said causing me to look up at him. "If techno can't see how awesome of a person you are then you deserve better!"

"I'm not one for name calling but Tommy's right y/n your a really sweet and caring girl and  I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would love you as you."

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah... me as me... guys I haven't been honest about something about me... can you guys keep a secret?"

Blood God. (Technoblade X reader.)Where stories live. Discover now