Spirit world

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Y/n pov
I saw the gash was now in the shape of an X across the tree and when I approached it the tree didn't heal. I walked towards the trees in the woods around but couldn't find another scratches. So I walked back towards the tree in the clearing. I got to it and started to reach out to touch it.

"Y/n?"  I turned and saw Ranboo standing there.

"Ranboo? What are you doing out here?" I asked him confused.

"I always take walks in the morning... do you know how far from home you are?"

I tilted my head. And looked around again at some point the snow had disappeared from the ground... "wait... I didn't walk that far... Ranboo how far am I from technos?"

"A couple miles, what brought you out here?" Ranboo seemed concerned. And he saw the giant mark on the tree. "What's this?"

I turned and looked at the mark. "I was following those.... But the other ones disappeared when I got close yet this one..." I walked up to it. "It never left..."

"Uh y/n I wouldn't touch that..." no turned and looked at him confused.

"What why?" He just walked up to it.

"Well normally I wouldn't tell to man people. Cause I'm truthfully not sure what part of me allows me to know this or be able to see it..."

(I'm just adding this in for him cause I want to this is not a cannon thing for Ranboo! Just my creative liberty.)

I looked at him. "But I can in a sense see a persons or things energy... like yours is a very sweet, calming and good energy. It's the same energy that nature radiates or well... very close to it at least. But that scratch gives me weird vibes... like it's trying to reach you- y/n don't touch it!"

I retracted my hand for a second time. "But Ranboo... I feel like I have to... like I'm this close to figuring out something, I-I have to know what it is..."

I could feel the nervousness rolling off of Ranboo as I reached out and touched it but to my surprise it disappeared like the others. "Darn it... well Ranboo looks like there was nothing to-" he walked through me and you to the tree.

"Y/n... this isn't funny..." I heard him say quietly.

"Ranboo what do you mean?" I said and walked up right next to him. I went to put a hand on his shoulder but it fazed through him.

"What the hell?!" I said in a panic.

In the corner of my vision I saw something that made me feel sick.

*y/n has fallen out of the world*

"What the hell-"

"So you finally came-"

I felt my whole body tense up. "What the hell!?" I yelled as the creature from last night was standing right in front of me.

"Why do you keep that disguise on in here? This is our home your safe to stop looking like one of those fight creatures..."

I looked at the creature as the shadowy mist around him disappeared to reveal a tall slender  man. His hair was a silver  his skin was a pale grey all over. He had eyes like mine when I transformed but his were a deep red. He was about the height of Ranboo. And he had huge claws on his hands and his feet almost reassembled what you would imagine a dragon to have.

Blood God. (Technoblade X reader.)Where stories live. Discover now