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Y/n pov.
I found myself in the same dark forest Dream had lead me to the first time I looked down at my body. Sure enough I looked much Healthier and thanks to the portal and bringing my other body with it. But that didn't mean I wasn't covered in Scars...

"Alright... screw everything I knew before this is my official restart... the old me is dead... she died when I left this world." I started to walk I still had my bank account and my money so the first thing I did was rent apartment. it  was just so I could get cleaned up and have a place to stay until I got a job and get back on my feet correctly this time.

I took a shower and changed back into my clothes before I went to bed. When I woke up first thing first I went shopping. I got me a couple outfits and pjs. I went back to my room and changed into a clean outfit and put the others away before I left. I walked around for a while look for some place I could get a job at when I noticed a help wanted sign on a gym. I smiled and walked in. They just needs a couple people to come in once it closes to clean up everything so I put in my application sure enough I got the job.

It's been a few weeks since then and I had picked up a routine at this point. Before I would clean I would do my own personal workout in the gym with everyone gone then I would clean it all. And since I worked there I would get free classes which meant I was up there practically all day taking self defense classes. And once I saved enough I moved onto the next thing.

I took kickboxing classes and any fighting class I would afford to take.

And at this point it had been about half a year. And I was no longer just cleaning the gym I had talked to my boss she's a real nice lady by the way. And now I was a personal trainer granted I would still stay after and clean so I could still work out.  I was still just walking back and fourth from work to home but at this point I just used it as a morning and evening run.

Another three months had passed and with my raise in pay I had a nice apartment and a bike I would use if I needed to go anywhere farther then the gym. I had myself looking healthier and more fit then ever. And I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even look the same anymore.

Soon enough the thought of going back to techno Tommy Ranboo Philza and everyone else I had left behind hadn't crossed my mind in ages it had been a whole year at this point. And I'd be lying if I said everything wasn't great.

Today was the same as any other. I woke up and made myself some breakfast i didn't have work today so I took the time to enjoy ever bite of my favorite breakfast before I showered and changed into a workout outfit and went for a nice long run it was 8 when I left and when I got back it was about 9:45. I entered my apartment and realized how much of a mess it actually was.

"Well... darn looks like I have to clean today don't I?" I let out a sigh of defeat  as I grabbed out the cleaning supplies and a couple baskets. It I was doing this I wasn't going to Half-ass it.

I cleaned my floor throwing away the trash and putting the clothes away before I moved on to sweeping and mopping it. Next as the bathroom. I cleaned the toilet shower and sink making sure to really deep clean everything in there. After that was the kitchen and so on before I knew it was I going through the Drawers in my room. While going through the last one something Silver caught my eye.

I reach in and pulled out a compass it was spinning crazy and above it in a glitched out text said tommy. Which faded away rather fast.   I looked at it in disbelief.

"My god... how long has it been I almost thought it was a dream or something I made up." I sat down on my bed the compass in my hands as I ent though the faces of everyone I had met back then.

Philza with his hat he never took off and fatherly personality. Mr half and half Ranboo who was a literallyjust a confused sweet giant. Tommy my bestie, Dream who literally wonder around in this world for heaven knows how long just to find me... and techno... god I hate to admit it but I really miss him. His unnatural pink hair and the attitude that he had that screamed that he didn't care what others thought of him.

I smiled to myself as I stood up. And packed a backpack with some granola bars water bottles. A couple books a speaker my phone my earbuds a journal and set it aside "I'll go back... just, not now." The sun was already setting by that time and I went to bed but... I woke up around 3am but to my surprise a crow was snuggled up against my window sleeping over where my bag sat.

I sighed "if that's not a sign then I don't know what is." I mumbled as I grabbed my bag and my keys I locked the door behind me and put the keys in my bag before I ran off. Towards the woods buti couldn't remember exactly where the portal was so the sun the finally starting to rise before I found it. I took the compass out of my pocket and looked down at it.

"Tommy your the first person I'm going to find when I get back." I said with a smile as I ran through the portal
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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