Part 1

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(Fukase's POV)
I fell asleep watching television again. Woke up on the couch with a neck ache. I went over to the oven and saw the time was 6:34. Why I always wake up on time when I have nothing to do is beyond me. We are on vacation in America! School is out and we're gonna have fun! We booked our tickets early. We were supposed to go to Athens Greece, but ended up in Athens Georgia. I'm not allowed to book flights anymore. Anyways nobody is awake yet, the tv is in sleep mode or whatever. We booked a pretty nice hotel, where the hell we got the money I'll never know. But anyways, We only had one bed so Flower took that one, Piko is sleeping awkwardly in a chair. And Oliver is sleeping wrapped in a burrito of blankets on the floor. We're waiting for Yohio to join us, his flight got delayed. We need to pick him up at... Honestly I forgot the time. We'll go pick him up later.

(Flower's POV)
I just woke up, everyone else is up, Oliver is watching American cartoons with Piko, who looks dead inside. Fukase is writing in that disgusting notebook he found in a trash can at the airport. Has he even read it? I haven't, but if I found a weird notebook I'd read it. We have to pick up Yohio from the airport at 1:30 or so.

(Fukase's POV)
So we don't have any food in the hotel room but I'm hungry, whatever. Flower said 1:30 is when we have to pick up Yohio. I asked Flower if we could go get breakfast, she told us we had to clean the room and turn in our keys. Apparently the hotel has complementary breakfast. So we went down, we all made waffles, Oliver's looks like if diabetes had a physical form, how is that kid still alive. We then hopped into the best rental car we could afford, yeah. It is a Toyota Corolla that's older than I am. It has more miles than hours I've been alive... I'm not even kidding, it has over 200,000. The dealership told us that with  the amount of maintenance this thing takes,they don't even want it back. Flower is driving. She got an international driving permit. I mean I'm old enough to get one, but I just suck at driving. It's like, 12:45 right now. I have this hello kitty backpack I bought on our way out of Japan, don't judge. Anyways I have a change of clothes in there and I used to have a granola bar, but I kind of ate it.
We just picked up Yohio, he and Oliver are playing with McDonald's toys. I feel bad for Piko, they are playing across him. We stopped at a Walmart and bought a tent, skillet, an axe, a fishing rod, a bow and arrows as well as a knife. "Are you going camping?" The cashier asked. "No just in case we get stuck in the middle of nowhere." Flower replied.

(Flower's POV)
"Where are we going?" Fukase asked as he tapped his fingers on his stupid ass backpack. "The hell if I know, I'm just following this road." I replied. The look of horror on Piko's face in the mirror was hilarious. We were heading south on highway 15 towards Greensboro. "Can I have the aux cord?" Fukase asked with a mischievous grin. "Um sure, just don't play anything weird." He played what was probably the worst song I've ever heard. Do all your shopping at Walmart? I-I did that already. The song was like 20 minutes long. Then I realized, "Fukase, you don't have internet service which means you had that saved on your phone. I'm curious, what other weird shit do you have?" Oh shit, his face lit up. "I wrote a song!" He said proudly. "It better be good." I said. I should've known. It was him rapping in Greek, worst part was, it was a bop. "You know Fukase it would've been great if you booked the right tickets. We could be in the Mediterranean eating gyros or something.
But here we are." I said. " You know they had an earthquake this morning right? It was a blessing in disguise." He replied with great confidence. "Piko, is he full of shit, or is he right?" I asked. Piko looked up from his phone, "No he's right, I saw it on the news, it was a magnitude 7 in the Aegean Sea, it was really horrific. 119 people died." Fukase was about to play another song, "Alright everyone we will go around requesting songs." I said. That made the trip fun. I stopped at a random gas station to get some gas. Some random dude with dip in his mouth walked over and, was attempting to flirt or something. Fortunately everyone in the car manually rolled down their windows and maintained direct eye contact. The creepy dude wandered back to his truck that was lifted in the front and squatted in the back. How the fuck does he see over the hood. Anyways I went in to pay. The cashier asked where I was going. I shrugged, he told me there was a national forest not to far from there. We were then back on the road, we saw a sign for a campground, then passed Macedonia road, it's just a cruel joke at this point. I did an illegal U turn and we went to the campground. We paid a small fee and then got set up. Yohio and Oliver went fishing while I set up the tent, Piko went to go collect fire wood and Fukase just fucking disappeared. Anyways we got a fire going after another camper loaned us his lighter. He said, "For a lovely lady like yourself, you can keep it. You smell nice." It was a kinda creepy comment but I'll take the lighter. Oliver and Yohio came back, Yohio had a small bluegill and Oliver had 3 large bass. Oliver gutted the fish while Yohio cried. " How else do you think we'd cook it dumbass?" Oliver said. "Do we even need to eat?" Yohio cried. "Yes," said everyone there.
It's getting dark and Fukase isn't back yet. The fish is already cold. He should hurry, I really don't want to go looking for him.

(Fukase's POV)
I feel warmth all over me. I don't know where I am or what happened, it's dark. My eyes haven't adjusted yet. I still have my backpack. I'm writing in my notebook, although it's probably unreadable. There gooey stuff all over my hands. I know it's blood, but I feel no pain. Who's is it? Why can't I stop crying?

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