Part 18

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[Author's note]
Oliver narrates with an audio recording device, I guess.

(Oliver's POV)
Badda bing badda boom, it's night time now. I don't have a phone, so what do I do for entertainment? Drama, yeah, that's about it, and talking to myself I guess.

To be honest I have no idea where Vietnam even is, but that guy seems cool. Anyways, oh yeah drama. So Flower has a KF shrine apparently.
Ever since I got possessed, the tips of my fingers have been cold and tingly, and pain is amplified like in the winter. Oh wait I do have another hobby, not really, um, archery? I practiced earlier, but I stopped after like, twenty minutes because my fingers stung so bad. So anyways I think Fukase has a crush on Flower- "Oliver what are you doing over here, you can't just wander off." Yohio said. Um, áudio recorder. "Wait, what were you just saying?" Piko asked. I think Fukase likes Flower. "How can you be so sure?" Yohio asked. Oh my god, have you read his notebook? "Uh no, we don't do stalking." Piko said.

*Note* Fukase's notebook has tons of things that are not in this story. Because it's Fukase's notebook, do you expect it to be clean?

Okay well, he goes on these rants about her, he does it within the first seven pages. "Seriously?" Piko asked. Yeah- "Do you think Flower likes him back?" Yohio questioned. "Even if she did we'd never know." Piko said. Is that what's up with their late night talks? "What about it? All I know is that they stay for hours and never shut up." Piko said. "Maybe we should stay up tonight." Yohio offered. "What do you mean by that? Like in the tent, or outside?" Piko asked. "Outside, I don't want to sit in that tent all night." Yohio said. So like with them? If that's what we're doing then there's no point eavesdropping. "Wait, we're eavesdropping? That's kinda creepy, I'm out." Piko said. Fine no eavesdropping, we'll just sit with them. "Okay, sounds like fun." Piko said.
Some shuffling sounds are heard then the recording ends.

(Flower's POV)
They found Oliver and they seem to be joking about something. They came over and sat next to Fukase. Yohio and Oliver started whispering in his ear. I think they're mocking him? "Cut it out," Fukase whispered loudly. Then he hid his face. They did cut it out, "You we're right Oliver." Yohio said. "When am I wrong?" Oliver said. That's a pretty cocky thing to say, but he isn't even wrong. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "Oh, uh, it's nothing." Piko said, yanking Yohio away from Fukase. "Uh, okay I guess." I said. "When y'all sit out here and talk, could you be a bit quieter." Yohio said. "Hio, did you just say y'all?" Oliver asked. "Oh, I guess I did, haha." Yohio said. "Seriously!?" Fukase asked, clearly annoyed. "Oh Fukase, don't you- ughk-" Piko yanked on Yohio's collar, choking him. "Shut up." Piko mumbled. Oliver patted Fukase on the back, then left. As he did so he turned around and gave Fukase a thumbs up. Fukase smiled softly and waved goodbye. They all went into the tent.
"What was that about?" I asked. "They found out one of my secrets, and now they're being annoying about it." Fukase said with his head still hidden in his arms. "What is it? I'm good with secrets." I said. "I don't doubt that you're good with secrets, but I like to keep my secrets, you know, secret." Fukase said softly. "Fair enough, you wanna know a secret of mine?" I asked. "Um sure,"  I leaned in close, "I once ate a raisin that sat outside on the sidewalk for months."  He sat there in silence, "Flower what the fuck!?" 
"That is disgusting, I was the one who may have caused the spider infestation at our school." Fukase said. "I remember sitting in one of the rooms when suddenly, a mass of spiders came out of the ceiling, how the fuck did you cause that?" I asked. "I was the one who released the crickets." He said. "Why?"  "It was an accident."  "Fuka, how the fuck do you 'accidentally' release 20,000 crickets."  "Um, it was an accident." He said, avoiding the question. I heard the zipper to the tent open, and Piko walked hastily towards Fukase, "That was you!?" Piko whispered angrily. RIP Fukase.

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