Part 10

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(Flower's POV)
We got there and parked in a parking lot in the outskirts of town. Very sketchy, but whatever. The street light to my left was flickering an orange light. The lamp had broken but was fixed with duct tape.There aren't any other cars around. I'm gonna go to sleep now. I woke up to Oliver asking me questions. "What is that man doing over there?" He asked. I took a look. "Heroin," I said. Fukase woke up as I said that, "Wha-" "Dude's doing drugs over there." Oliver said. "Can I-" "No," I said. "I'm craving a mango." Oliver said. "I could go for some peaches." Said Fukase. "Let's go to the grocery store then." I said. "Oliver wake up Yohio and Piko." Fukase said. They mumbled. "We're going to the grocery store." I said. We drove for a while. "Hey Flower, can we go to a piggly wiggly!?" Fukase asked. "Fine,"  We parked and went in, the interior was rather boring. Anyways we went to the fruit section. Oliver got his mango, Piko got a bunch of bananas. Yohio got a plum, I got a pomegranate despite not knowing how to open it. Fukase, disappeared, he's gotta stop doing that. "Alright you guys go up to the cashier, I'm gonna go find Fukase." I said. I gave them my wallet.
I checked everywhere in that store. Only place left to check were the bathrooms. I went into the men's bathroom, yeah whatever, fuck you. And there he was.

Getting beat up by a guy in a blue fursuit.
I mean, to give Fukase some credit, the dude was 6'5" and definitely had the weight advantage. After an especially brutal punch to the head, Fukase blacked out. The furry guy was going in for a stomp. I dragged Fukase out of there. The furry started walking towards us. I gave him a glare, "You know, when polyester burns, it sticks to you." I said. The furry backed off. I dragged Fukase to the chip section, then put him over my shoulder. He was heavy, but less than I expected. I carried him to the cashier. "What took you so long? Oh," said Piko. Yohio grabbed the bag of fruit. And we left. "What happened to Fukase?" Oliver asked. "He got Knocked out by a furry in the bathroom." I said. Fukase woke up, "Where am I?" "Fukase, you're gonna have to explain yourself." I said. "Explain what?" He asked. "You broke rule no.18, you lost a fight to a furry." Yohio said. "Did I really lose!?" Fukase asked. "Yes, you got KO'd, how did that fight start?" I asked. "I'll tell you when you put me down." He said. I put him down. He brushed himself off, "So basically, I went to go take a shit, and this dude was taking mirror selfies. And I laughed, because who WOULDN'T!? He was doing poses like he was in a fucking magazine! Yeah, and his fragile masculinity didn't like that, so that grown ass man beat the shit out of me." Fukase said defeatedly. "The dude was 6'5"." I said. Well whatever, we left there.

(Fukase's POV)
My jaw still hurts, not as much as my pride though. Anyways we're on our way to the battleship now.

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