Part 7

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(Flower's POV)
We packed up and we're on our way to Myrtle Beach. We saw a Bojangles so we pulled into the parking lot. "Alright!" Fukase said, as he was stretching. "I'm hungry, can we please hurry?" Yohio complained. "Let's go," I said. "Don't get into a fight again." Fukase teased. "That was hilarious!" Oliver exclaimed. "Can you shut up? I have a headache." Piko said. "I prescribe you water." Fukase said, handing Piko a water bottle. "Ew, you drank out of this." Piko said as he gave it back. Fukase offered it to me, but I pushed it away. "Let's just go, we'll all get water, no soda." I said. "Aw," Oliver protested. "You need water, we're in America, at this point our blood is mostly corn syrup." I said. We went in and got in line. "May I take your order?" The cashier asked. "Can I get a burger?" Fukase asked. "They don't sell burgers." Piko explained. "Can I get a sausage egg and cheese biscuit?" Oliver ordered. "One sausage egg and cheese biscuit." The lady repeated into a microphone that echoed through the store. "Chicken," Fukase said to the cashier. "We'll just get five sausage egg and cheese biscuits." I said. "And five waters." I added. The lady repeated everything. I paid and she gave us our cups and we went to the soda fountain. I got my water and sat back down. Fukase walked back over with a devilish grin. "What did you do this time?" I asked. "I-" "Nevermind just sit down." Everyone else came over to our table, Piko pulled over another chair. When the lady called the name of our order, 'O shiri' which just means ass, we have Fukase to thank for that. Anyways, I went up and got it. "It's either really good, or I'm just really hungry." Oliver said. "Probably both," Piko said.

(Fukase's POV)
An older woman walked over to us with a large plastic bag. She went over to Oliver, "I have this blanket and pillow if you'd like it." The old woman said, her voice was ever so slightly raspy. "Oh yes thank you." Oliver said while giving his 'kawaii desu desu' face. "For an adorable girl like you, of course." The woman said. Oliver seemed to play along. She pulled out the blanket and pillow. They were Christmas themed. I guess she had them lying around and felt like being charitable, that's fine by me. "Where are y'all from?" The woman asked. "Um, Japan." Fukase said. "Cool, well y'all have a good one!" The lady said as she walked away.

(Flower's POV)
I drove all the way to the beach without stopping, I took 76 out of Florence until it became 501. We saw billboards for different entertainment as we drove in. We drove to the area with all the shops. "Is that a slingshot!?" Oliver asked excitedly. "Yeah I think it is, I think it's closed though." Piko said. "That's too bad, I'd totally do it if it was open." Fukase said. As we got closer we realized it was indeed open. "Hey Fuka, it's open." I said. He seemed nervous now. "Come on, Fukase!" Yohio encouraged. "I'll only do it if Flower does it." He said. He gave me a look asking for help. But, just because he put me on the spot, "Sure I'll do it, c'mon Fuka." I said. We paid and stood on the platform. We were directed into the seats. "You scared?" I asked. He didn't move. "If you do this without puking I'll give you a prize." I said. "Put your heads back!" The operator said. After a few seconds we launched. Fukase wouldn't stop screaming, to be honest I don't think I've ever heard him scream that loud. "You're fine Fuka!" I said laughing. "Open your eyes, we have a great view of the ocean!" I said. He opened his eyes, but immediately closed them again. "That's pretty, but I don't want to puke!" He said. After a few more seconds of extreme bouncing he passed out. I just kept laughing. "Fukase, wake up!" I said poking him. He woke up and went back to screaming until we finally slowed and we lowered down. I had to help him off as his knees were all wobbly. "What's my prize?" He asked. "I honestly didn't expect you not to barf." I said. "I did that for nothing?" He asked. "No, it was fun." I said. "I hate you." He mumbled. "This was all your idea." I said. "Yeah, don't listen to me." He said. "Aw, Fuka, don't feel so bad, your ideas are only bad 98% of the time." I said. "Was that supposed to make me feel better?" He asked, giggling.He could stand again. I gave him a hug. Nevermind he can't stand anymore. We went back to the others. "I want to do it!" Oliver said. "You're too short." Piko said. "What's next?" I asked, still carrying Fukase.

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