Part 3

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(Fukase's POV)
We stopped at a Waffle House for breakfast. As we walked in we were seated at a table in the corner next to a jukebox.

(Flower's POV)
"Ok, so like, are trees gay?" Fukase asked. "What are you talking about?" Piko asked. "You know how they can reproduce with themselves. Are they gay?" Fukase asked again. "The word you are looking for is asexual." Oliver said. "But like, are they gay?"  "No, why would a plant have a sexuality?" I asked. "Are you be homophobic towards trees?"  "What no, they're trees."
"It says here trees can have both male and female flowers." Piko said. "Are they bisexual!?" "They're asexual." Piko said. "But-" "Fukase shut up." I said.
That was the stupidest conversation I've ever had.
Anyways we ordered and got our food.

(Fukase's POV)
What happened next was the most glorious thing I've seen in a while. This girl walks over to us and stares at us, "Y'all are retarded."  "What'd you just say to me?" Flower snapped. "I said y'all are re-tar-ded. You damn Chinese wouldn't understand."  "We aren't Chinese." Flower said calmly. "Either way, go back to where you came from." Flower then asked in Japanese, "Should I beat her ass?"  To which we nodded. Flower stood up, she was about the same height as this girl. "Do you really wanna fight?" Flower asked aggressively. I discreetly pulled out my phone and started recording. The girl dumped the rest of Flower's food on the floor. Flower swung first hitting this lady in the nose. The lady lady went for Flower's hair. The lady was pulling on her hair. Flower grabbed one of the extra plates and smacked this bitch with it. The lady's grip loosed enough for Flower to break free. Next thing I knew they were on the floor. Oliver was still eating his pancakes. Anyways Flower rubbed this girl's face all over her food on the floor. When the lady sat up she had syrup all over her face. "How's it taste?" Flower said as she shoved the girl's face in for round two. "Dang you can chill now, you won." Piko said. Flower eased up, "Fine, but this bitch wasted my food." The girl got up and hastily left the restaurant.
"Whatever, let's just get out of here." Flower said.

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