Part 6

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(Flower's POV)
God damn it, we left him, oops. I called him and texted him but he didn't respond. We went back to the campground but he wasn't there. I asked the people there if they'd seen him, they said they hadn't. "Hey Flower," Fukase said, tapping my shoulder. "What Fukase?" "What if you used the find my IPhone thing." He suggested. "Will that work?" I asked. "Probably," Piko said. I pulled up the app. The dot was moving along the road quickly. Was he hitchhiking? Anyways we followed the dot. When we caught up with it we saw it was a white van with nothing on it.

(Fukase's POV)
"Oh god," Flower mumbled, rubbing her forehead. We didn't see Yohio, never mind. He popped his head up and we saw him out of the back window of the van. He was bound and gagged. "Should we call the police?" I asked. "Take my phone." She said, handing me her phone. "911 what's your emergency?"  "Our friend was kidnapped and the white van is traveling east on 20 near Bishopville." I said, trying not to let my panic show. "Is he okay?" The operator asked. "He seems to be okay, he's bound and gagged, but doesn't seem injured." I said. "Alright they are on their way." The operator said. We followed the truck for a while. We heard the cops pulling up and so we fell back and watched them do their thing. They tried to initiate a traffic stop but the van sped up instead. We lost sight of them.

(Yohio's POV)
The guys sped up, my head smashed into the back door. I struggled to sit back up. We went for, I don't know how long. "We should just give up! The longer we go the more jail time we'll get." The guy in the passenger seat said. "We both know we're never getting out." The driver said as he turned onto another road. Then we crashed and I blacked out.

(Fukase's POV)
Flower drove us to the police station. They got Yohio back, but he had a concussion and cuts all over him. The kidnappers were apprehended. When we saw Yohio we all gave him a hug. We got in the car, he got the front seat. Anyways we went to McDonald's and got food. Then we went to yet another campground. We put up the tent and got a fire going. "So, Yohio, what did they want with you?" Oliver asked. "I don't know, how was your day?" Yohio asked. "I got possessed by a demon." Oliver said. Yohio seemed to be waiting for us to laugh it off but it never came. "You're serious?" He asked, laughing hesitantly. "Yeah." We all said together.
We sat around and talked for a few hours. Eventually everyone was asleep again. It was late. Flower and I were sitting on a log together. After a bit of silence I asked, "How are you?" "Why did everything have to be so crazy today?." She said. "How about we go to the beach tomorrow." I suggested. "That sounds like fun." She said, smiling slightly. "Myrtle?" I offered. "I mean, it's one of the closest." Flower said. "Okay, let's do it." I said energetically. "Okay," Flower said, sleepily. "You tired?" I asked softly. I waited for a response but she must already be asleep. She rested her head on my shoulder. Am I not allowed to move now? Will she be angry if I wake her up? Probably not. I tapped her shoulder and woke her up. "Nani?" She mumbled. "You fell asleep." I explained. "Ah," She said. She made her way to the tent and went in. I put out the fire and laid in the tent. It was a weird day today, huh.

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