Part 16

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(Flower's POV)
Fukase wanted to go to another campground. I get why, that car is not good for sleeping in. He was convinced he could he could get the world record for setting up a tent. Yohio timed him, while Oliver and Piko cheered him on. He did it in 2 minutes, which is still really impressive, but not a new record. He looked at me smiling and I gave him a thumbs up. He did the Usain Bolt pose for some reason. He went over to the other people in the camp, just to brag, about his 'tremendous' achievement. Some old guy started telling war stories to the boys, maybe I can finally get some peace and quiet. At least for a while...

(Fukase's POV)
"-We were surrounded, and our support was thirty minutes away. My battle buddy got shot in the leg and unfortunately, he didn't make it. But I carried him until he died. He was a stand up guy, and my best friend. A few weeks later I was sent to a new barrack infested with tons and tons of bugs,-" The old man said. I kinda zoned out there. I kinda wanna go to Antarctica someday. Anyways the man entertained everyone else. Piko was the only one who noticed me leaving. I went back to our place and sat near Flower, she seemed annoyed to see me. "What do you need?" Flower asked. "Nothing, I'm just bored." I said. "I've got a game we can play," Flower said. "Really?" I said. "Yeah, it's called the silent game. Starting now, no more talking." Flower said. "Like, none at all?" I asked. "Dumbass, you just lost." Flower said. "Starting now then." I said. She rolled her eyes and leaned back in the wooden adirondack chairs that dotted the campground. I'll leave her alone. If I'm being honest, the only reason I wanted to go to a campground was so Flower would actually sleep. Of course, I'll never tell her that. She's so stubborn, she'll never admit she's tired, or sad, or in pain, this list goes on and on. For example, when we were kids, we were climbing a bridge, and she got a long spike stuck deep in her forearm, but she wouldn't admit it hurt. We had to go to the hospital to get it surgically removed. She used to have a scar, but it's practically gone now. We used to go on all sorts of adventures, I guess with this trip, I'm trying to bring that back.

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