Part 20

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(Piko's POV)
The snake thing is dripping wet, and has damp silt stuck to it. It's use of infrasound and weird axolotl things, indicate that it probably lives in water, and deep water at that, just how big is this cave? But, it might not be able to sense us as well as it usually would. Infrasound though, at loud volumes can be dangerous, that's probably what we were feeling. If we ran it wouldn't be able to hear our footsteps, but it could hear our muscles tensing, and our tendons stretching, which means it can hear our heartbeats. Maybe not, those might be too quiet, given how loud it just was. "Let's make a run for it." I whispered. But everyone was frozen still. "It can't hear us." I said. "It could feel us though," Flower whispered. The antennas, I forgot about those. "As soon as we take a step, we're screwed." Flower whispered. Fukase slowly pulled an empty Gatorade bottle out of his pocket, he seemed to be getting ready to throw it. "Don't waste your time, it won't make a deep enough sound." Oliver said. "Could Point punch it?" Fukase asked. "That might work." I said. "How strong is he?" Flower asked. "I dunno." Fukase replied. "A better question would be how well the snake will disperse the impact." I said. Before we could answer, it flicked its toungue, turned towards us and started slithering closer, it unhinged its jaw, that's when Fukase threw Point in. The back of its neck ruptured, and now had a hole we could see through. The snake's blood was fluorescent lime green. Point turned around and we watched the snake's head explode. It made a loud thump, as it fell. The blood splattered all over us and leaked all over the floor of the cave. Fukase went and  grabbed his glowing doll and collected a bottle of the strange blood.

(Flower's POV)
"Why did you get the blood?" Yohio asked. "Um, we just defeated a snake monster, and you don't want some kind of trophy?" Fukase asked. Point was covered in sticky blood, he was trying to get it off of himself, but to no avail. We left the cave and drove to the nearest gas station. The lady at the register asked why we had glowing stuff all over us, "Glow festival," I replied. She seemed to believe it, far more believable than a giant snake monster. We washed up in the bathrooms, with water that smelled like eggs. After that we were all tired, despite it barely being dusk.

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