Part 4

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(Flower's POV)
I made Yohio sit up front so he'd shut up. "Where do guys wanna go next?" I asked. "Let's walk around Columbia." Fukase said. "Something rational for once." Piko said. So we drove around looking for a place to park. "Oh my god that is the biggest fire hydrant I've ever seen!" Fukase shouted. "What crack are you on?" I asked. " I swear I saw it!" Fukase said defensively. I found a place to park. "Follow me, I wasn't lying." Fukase said as he grabbed my hand and pointed in the direction of the 'fire hydrant'. I got my hand back. "Who wants to see the fire hydrant?" I asked. Oliver and Yohio of course raised their hands. I looked to Piko, he just shrugged. "Alright." I said. Fukase led us down a few blocks. We turned, "See I wasn't lying!" He said. "Damn, that's gotta be the biggest in the world." I said. "It is, read this sign." Piko said.

After our fire hydrant adventure we walked around and saw this massive mural. It looked like a tunnel leading to the ocean. We took pictures then continued on our way. We got ice cream and went hiking. By the end of the day we were beat.

(Fukase's POV)
Flower asked us where we wanted to go next. Oliver said he wanted to go to the beach so that's what we're going to do. We stopped at another campground. And set up. There were crosses in some places. "Hey Flower, is this a Christian campground by chance?" I asked. "I think it is!" Flower said laughing.

(Flower's POV)
I woke up to Fukase poking me in the shoulder. I got up. "Ok so hear me out." He started. "No." "I haven't even said anything yet." "I know it's gonna be bad." I said. "I found an abandoned building." He said. "How?" I asked. "I looked it up." He replied. "Wait a minute. Did you use my phone?" I asked. "Yeah-" "Creep. How do you know my password?" "It's literally just 123456." He said. "I need to change that." "Anyways-" everyone else came out of the tent. "I found an abandoned building, anyone wanna go check it out with me?"

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