Part 19

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[Author's note] Fukase is going to narrate this chapter more present tense than usual.

(Fukase's POV)
"Can we go to a cave?" I asked. "Why? Is there one nearby?" Flower asked. "Um, I dunno, but caves are naturally cool." I said. "I miss air conditioning, hmmm, sure." Flower said. "This better not go like last time, bring your cross though." Flower said. We didn't look it up, we just happened upon it. There was a crack in the rock, (no shit it's a cave) we grabbed our flashlights and went in. We were greeted with a light wind blowing into the cave. "Okay everyone, stick with the group, Fukase give me your hand." Flower said. "Why?" "Really?" Flower replied. Whatever, we walked through the bumpy terrain. I nearly tripped on a random stalagmite.
After walking for several minutes, the narrow passageway opened up into a wide cavern that our flashlights couldn't reach. It was eerie standing there, made me feel uneasy. "Watch your step," Piko said. I heard something, although it might've just been our footsteps. Although, Point seems to be restless too, he's squirming all over my shoulder. "Um, guys? Something feels off." I said. "Yeah, should we turn back?" Piko said. "Maybe," Flower said, as we stopped. "But I kinda wanna know what it is." Yohio said. "Shut up Hio, you didn't have to deal with the demon." Oliver said. "It's not a demon, it's something else, but it still radiates danger." I said. We heard a scuffle deep in the cave getting closer, it was moving extremely fast. "Run," Flower said. We didn't even make it to where the cave narrows before it reached us. It made a noise, it was such a low sound that it was below our range of hearing, but we could feel it reverberating off the walls and in our chests. I pointed my flashlight towards the monster. It had cloudy white eyes, it seemed to be snake-like, it was pale with heavily weathered scales. It's face had pulsating red antennae, similar to an axolotl's. Did I mention that it was easily over fifteen feet tall, I mean, it would probably be smaller if it was laying down.
Haha, we're fucked.

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