Part 13

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(Fukase's POV)
We ate the fish we caught at the bar, then left yet again. The news said a hurricane was on its way so Flower didn't want to stay on the coast. And I wanted to go to the mountains anyways, so we're going Northwest to Virginia.

We just drove by Raleigh,NC. It's late again, Piko is playing on his phone, Yohio and Oliver are asleep. "Hey Flower," I said. "Yeah?" She replied. "Who has the coke?" I asked. She stared at me as if I was stupid. "We have it," "Seriously!? You didn't get rid of it!? What if we get caught!?" Piko asked rather loudly.
"We'll only smoke it when we're alone in the woods, okay Piko?" Flower said. "No? That's still risky, we're driving the most beat up car, your acting skills are garbage, you too Fukase. If we ever get pulled over we're fucked." Piko said. "It's legal in Virginia," Flower said. "No!? No, so we're still breaking the law." Piko said. "You've always been such a stickler for the rules." Flower said. "Oh, but have I been arrested?" Piko shot back. "Um yes actually," I mumbled. "That's because I was listening to you!" Piko said. "What did you do?" Flower asked me. "I sold clay to middle aged women claiming it was a health product." I said. "That's kinda mean, but also they should know better." Flower said. "I made so much money it's not even funny." I said. "You were scamming people!" Piko said. "They were stupid!" I said. "Ah shit," Flower said. "What?" Piko asked. "The oil lights on, they could've at least changed the oil before giving us this hunk of junk." She said, "It could always be worse" I said. "Don't jinx us." Piko said. As we drove we saw the saddest looking mechanic shop. The lights were on so we pulled into the dirt parking lot. Hopefully we can get an oil change for cheap. Nevermind he said no. He just wants to go home, so we're now on our way to AutoZone. We googled what we needed then bought the oil and new oil filter. We also bought a bucket.

(Flower's POV)
Piko got in the car and went to sleep. Fukase is holding the flashlight. But I'm doing all the work. I had a job last summer as a mechanic, so it didn't take very long. This place fortunately offers oil recycling. Anyways we're on the road again. We slept in the car in a random ass parking lot, again. I just hope this is normal for once.

[Author's note]
Yeah, all that wait for them just to do an oil change, yeah sorry. I have spreadsheets of this shit. Anyways, have a good one!

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