Part 2

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(Fukase's POV)
Ok so it doesn't have the same consistency as blood. And I have no idea what this shit is. I just pray to god it isn't red. I don't wanna look like I killed someone. Anyways I'm gonna head back to, um where was it? I blacked out and I'm lost.
Update, I've wandered around the woods for about 20 minutes. I found the river and am going to follow it. God damn it, Yohio is the one who always gets lost, I look stupid.
So um, this stuff I have all over me is, sticky, kind of. Using my phone flashlight I can see that it is clear. It's like slime or something.

(Flower's POV)
Everyone went to sleep already. I'm tending to the fire, mostly out of boredom.

(Fukase's POV)
I turned off my flashlight, my eyes were adjusted to the dark, and it just got disorienting after a while. Anyways it smells like trees, um fishy water, and mushrooms Orr something. It has gotten cooler, I can see the stars, well kinda. My shoes are wet.
That sucked, I walked through countless spider webs but I am back at the campground.

(Flower's POV)
So Fukase got back, he's covered in mud, and other gross shit. "Go change, what happened? Where were you, I saved you some fish, it's cold now." I said. He set down his backpack and took his change of clothes with him as he went off to the river to change and wash off. A few minutes later he reappeared. He rubbed his eyes and sat down on a log. "Yeah, I really don't know what happened, or what that stuff is." He said. I picked up his jacket and held it up to the firelight. "Um Fukase, is this unfertilized frog spawn? Because that's what it looks like." I said. Fukase chuckled, "I thought it was blood!" He said with a mouthful of fish. "In what world is this remotely similar to blood?" I asked. He thought about it for a second, "In the dark."  "That's not an excuse, why is it warm?"  "Why would you touch it?" "You're the one to talk." I replied. Fukase put his phone back in his backpack, "So what are we doing next on this road trip?" He asked. "We could go to... yeah I don't really know, we'll figure it out." I said. "Not sure if I trust that." Fukase sighed. After a bit of silence Fukase asked, "Were you worried about me?"  "No not really, I just didn't want to have to go looking for you-" I said. "-That's what I expected of Yohio, not you."
"Yeah that's what I said." Fukase mumbled. "It's late, we should sleep." I yawned. "Then why are you up?"  " I was waiting for you, dumbass. Don't go wandering off again."  "Ah so you were worried about me." He teased. "Don't push your luck." I said.
Fukase pulled his plushie, Point out of his backpack, it didn't look happy. Point had its arms crossed. "Hey buddy I forgot I left you in here." Fukase said. "That's quite the thing to forget, Fukase."
"Hey Flower, do we have blankets?"  "No-"
"That's quite the thing to forget, Flower."  "I'll buy some at the next store we go to." I said. "We have a bow but no blankets." He said. "You know I'm paranoid." "Apparently not about freezing to death."  "Fukase, it's the middle of the summer in Georgia."  "Whatever you get my point, does anyone even know how to shoot a bow?" Fukase asked. "Oliver does, Avanna taught him. She taught all of us basic survival skills." "Why did we get a tent?" "Enjoy it, we'll probably be sleeping in the car for most of this trip." I said. Fukase pulled out his notebook and started writing. "Can I read that notebook?" I asked. He hesitated. "I don't really care about what you've written, I want to know what was in there to begin with. Besides, I can't even read your handwriting." I reassured. He reluctantly gave me the notebook. I flipped through the pages until I found handwriting that wasn't his. It was written in a magenta marker. It seemed to be a kid's handwriting.

Dear diary mommy said we're going on a trip tomorrow, I'm so excited I can't sleep.

Next to it was what I think was their mom, it was a disturbing drawing though, the mom's eyes seemed to peer deep into my soul. I gave Fukase his book back, "It was a kid's" I said. "Cool, you didn't read anything else did you?"  "What are you hiding? I couldn't care less." 

We went to sleep or whatever and the next day we were back on the road. We took 15 then got onto interstate 20 towards Columbia SC.

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