Part 9

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(Flower's POV)
I drove for an hour or so in peace and quiet, then Fukase woke up again. We started chatting again. Fukase got on his phone and started scrolling through his photos. "Hey Flower look at this one." Fukase said.

"When did you take that?" I asked

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"When did you take that?" I asked. "On the beach?" He said. "We we're out there for hours." I said. "It's a secret." He said. "Hey Fuka, I need to stop and get gas, you wanna go in with me?" "Sure," He said. "Go on in, I'll meet you in there."

(Fukase's POV)
The bathroom was nice. I stared at the donuts until Flower came inside. "We can order a sandwich or something if you'd like." She said, (we were in a Sheetz by the way) We ordered sandwiches and got drinks, and bought everyone else a bag of chips each. Then we were back on the road.

(Flower's POV)
"Have you ever thought about how stupid the concept of zombies are?" I asked. "Yeah, I doubt brains even have that many calories." He replied. Fukase swiped Piko's phone and looked it up. "I was kind of wrong, 2,706 calories, that is less than, a doublicious sandwich, large popcorn nuggets, large mashed potatoes with gravy, large mac and cheese, large coleslaw from KFC. Although compare that with the human thigh which contains 13,355 calories, the liver has 2,570 calories. In all, the human body contains 125,822 calories." Fukase said. "Okay, but if zombies are that hellbent on being cannibals, they should at least eat everything. Also, were those measurements cooked or raw?" I asked. "They didn't say." Fukase said. "Fuka, give Piko his phone back." "Wait a minute, this road should have only taken us an hour and a half. Are we lost?" Fukase said. "We're near Lumberton," I said. "Yeah, we're going the wrong way, fun fact this is where Micheal Jordan's father was murdered." He said. "That's just dark." "Hey, Flower, if we turn around now we could get to Wilmington in an hour and twenty minutes."  I sighed.

(Fukase's POV)
We turned around and now we're going the right way. "Hey Fuka, can you call Miki?" "Yeah, sure. We called them. "Hey Flower!" Miki said. "Hey," I said, "Hey Fukase, what's up?" Miki asked. "Nothing much, where are you?" I asked. "I'm in France with Iroha and Yuki. How's Greece? We heard about the earthquake." She asked. "We're actually in America." Flower interjected. "How'd that happen?" Miki asked. "Fukase happened." Flower said. "Flower got in a fight at a Waffle House." "Oliver got possessed at a church Fukase took us to." "Hey, I also performed the exorcism." I said. "Yohio got kidnapped. And now we're in Lumberton, North Carolina." Flower said. "Wait is Yohio okay!?" Miki asked. "Yeah, he's fine, he's in the backseat with Oliver. "Oh, good. Where the hell is North Carolina?" "North of South Carolina, it's in the southeast US." I said. "What have you guys been up to?" Flower asked. "Let me put you on speaker real quick. Okay so a bird pooped in Iroha's coffee, Yuki is trying to learn French." Miki said. I hear Yuki say, 'oui oui baguette' in the background. "We saw the eiffel tower. We wanted to buy some crepes, but the dude wouldn't because it was after hours. When we asked him if he could let it slide, he pointed to the camera's that were watching." Miki said. "Who are you talking to?" Iroha asked. "Flower and Fukase." Miki said. "Ooh ooh, is Piko there?" Iroha asked. "No, he's asleep." I said. "Why? It's like 5:30." Yuki asked. "Yuki, it's 11:30 here, time zones, remember?" Flower said. "Yeah I remember, is Oliver there?" Yuki asked. "No he's-" "He got possessed by a demon." I interrupted. "He's fine Yuki, he's just sleeping, we are the only ones awake." Flower said. "Why can't you go to sleep?" Yuki asked. "Because she's driving." I said. "Why can't you drive?" Yuki asked. "Because, you need a special license to drive in a foreign country. I don't have one." I said. "Oh okay, you wanna hear a sentence I learned?" Yuki asked. "Sure," Flower said. "Ver vert va vers un verre vert." Yuki said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Green worm goes towards a green glass." Yuki replied. "Cool, we'll talk to you later, bye."Flower said. "Bye," Yuki said. Anyways I'm gonna go to sleep now.

[Author's note]
Don't worry next chapter will be more interesting.

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