Part 15

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(Fukase's POV)
The chicken is lackluster, it is the worst chicken I've ever had, actually that's not true, but it is a close second. "It's a KFC, what did you expect it to taste like?" Oliver asked. "Like how it does back home. But it doesn't, it's shit." I said. "Could you stop bitching about the food you just got!?" Flower asked. "This is just disappointing." Piko said. "It tastes pretty good to me." Yohio said. "You only got potatoes and corn, but even then, the potatoes are runny." I said. "It's not even crispy, it's badly breaded. I can tell they haven't changed the oil in several days. I'm getting a refund." Flower said. "Please don't make a scene." Piko said. Flower walked up to the counter, "KFC is my religion, but now I think I'm going to be atheist! I used to work at a KFC, this is pathetic! How is it even possible to make chicken this bad!?" Flower yelled. Thing is, when Flower gets really angry, her English is barely understandable. The other customers turned to see what was happening. Piko buried his face in his arms. "So, do you want a refund?" The employee asked. I feel bad for this guy, he definitely doesn't get paid enough for this. "Yes, I want my money back! I can tell you haven't changed the oil in days!" Flower shouted at this poor guy. The guy looked at his watch. The guy sighed, "Yeah, okay, here's your money back." Flower turned to us then we left the store. Piko didn't want his face to be seen, even though we will never see any of these people ever again. Either way it's seven o'clock and the sun will set in an hour or so. "Seriously, KFC, is your religion? What does that even mean?" I asked. "I have a shrine dedicated to Colonel Sanders." She said casually, I wouldn't put it past her. "What the fuck? What would you even offer!?" I asked. "Chicken blood, duh." Flower said. What is wrong with her? "I was just kidding about the chicken blood by the way." Flower said. "Wait, so were you not kidding about the shrine!?" I asked. She kept her silence. "Dear heavenly Colonel, may this KFC, live up to your great name. A'chicken." Flower mumbled to herself. "Flower, could you just unlock the car already!?" Piko asked.

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