Part 8

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(Fukase's POV)
We stopped at a beach shop and bought some swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, an umbrella, and cheap boogie boards.
So we're at the beach so I'll have to write quickly. Yohio and Piko have been using the boards for a while, we'll ask for a turn.

(Flower's POV)
Ok, we got the boogie boards. Yohio and Piko want to take a break.. "You ready?" I asked Fukase. "Uh yeah, I'm a bit nervous though." He said. "Why?"  "I'm not a very strong swimmer." Fukase said. "Just stay close to me, frequently turn around to see where you are, avoid rip currents-"  "Yeah, okay got it." He said. I hope he actually listens, he better. We started boogie boarding, it was fun. A big wave came while Fukase was turned around talking to me, he wiped out. He disappeared for a few seconds, then he popped out close to the shore. He snorted sand out of his nose. He saw me and ran back into the water. "You good?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said. "Oop, here comes a big one." I said. The wave started breaking before it reached us. "Go over it before it breaks." I told him. He tried to swim away instead, got caught and wiped out again. He got up again but was wiped out yet again.

(Fukase's POV)
After that last wipe out Flower told me to get out. Yeah, that was probably smart. Oliver is playing with another kid.

(Flower's POV)
Fukase is writing in that notebook again, I guess he's made that his travel log. I'm sitting next to him now. "This is fun," I said. "Yeah, hey Flower can we go see a battleship?" Fukase asked. "Where is this? And did you steal my phone again?" I asked. "Uh, it's in Wilmington, the USS North Carolina. And I stole the hotel's wifi." He answered. "Well, let's enjoy Myrtle Beach first." I said. "Hey, did you know that there are pieces of ancient tectonic plates floating around in the mantle and even near the core? Also there is more water in the mantle than in the ocean." Fukase spouted. "That's cool Fuka." I said. "Do you know how magnets work?" Fukase asked. "No, the more you learn the harder it is to understand." I replied. "Yeah,"  "Hey Fuka, did you know that the last primate able to produce their own vitamin c was lemurs?"  "I still don't know why we can't, doesn't seem helpful." Fukase said. "I'm out of random facts." I said. "Yeah, me too, I gave you the interesting ones." Fukase said.

(Fukase's POV)
Piko and Yohio are back, they got ice cream without us. The kid Oliver was playing with left. "Alright guys let's leave." Flower said. We washed the sand off of us and changed and stuff. We went and got a late lunch. It was overpriced. Now we're driving to Wilmington. I got the front seat again. Everyone in the back is sleeping. "They really wore themselves out." I said. "Good for us, we finally get some quiet." Flower said. "I could sleep." I said. "Go on ahead, it's a nice evening for a nap." She said. "Don't mind if I do." I mumbled as I laid down. "Hey Fuka, you don't mind if I call you that, do you?" "Yeah what's up?" "You didn't answer my question. Do you mind if I call you Fuka?" She asked. "Oh no, not at all." I said. "Also, how the fuck do you say road roller?" She asked. "Road roller," I said. I just laid there and listened to Flower trying to say road roller.

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