Part 5

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(Flower's POV)
"Ooh, ooh I do!" Oliver said, jumping up and down.
"Aren't you a little afraid?" I asked. "No, I always sing the creepy songs." Oliver replied. "I guess that's true," Piko mumbled. "So who's coming?" Fukase asked. "I'm not," I said. "Ooooooh, I think she's scared. scaredy cat!" Fukase and Oliver chanted. "Fine, I'll go." I said. "Classic case of peer pressure." Piko mumbled.
Fukase turned to him. "Fine," Piko said. "What did you just say about peer pressure?" Oliver said.
Fukase leads us to an abandoned church. "Oliver, are you seriously unaffected by this?" Piko asked. "I've seen worse." He replied.
Fukase leads usinside. Inside is a large room.
Oliver sang a strange song in Latin. "Stop Oliver, you're gonna attract ghosts."
Fukase joined in, seriously fuck him. A sudden rumbling makes them stop. "What did I tell you? Let's get out of here!" I yelled. The door behind us slammed and locked.
Piko turns to the windows, he runs at them and tries to break through, it doesn't break. "How? This is a fucking window!" He mumbled in frustration. "Piko! No swearing in church!" I scolded
Oliver yelped as he was being dragged away by a shadowy hand, "Ah, fuck this thing. Oh shit."
Fukase and I ran after him. Piko gives up on the window and follows us. "Maybe it's a priest, they love to touch kids." Fukase said. "Not the time Fukase!" I said. We ran through a dark hallway and ended up in a dark room. The door slammed behind us.
We were in the pitch black. A demonic red circle began to glow on the floor. "Where the hell are we?" Piko asked. "Hell?" Fukase said, half trying to make a joke.
I paced around the room, "Okay think, think." I mumbled. Oliver comes out of the circle on the floor with two black eyes and is frothing black liquid at the mouth. Piko and I jumped back. Fukase steps forwards and pulls out a cross.
Oliver in a demonic voice:{Stulte putas Iesus servabit tu?}(You fool, you think Jesus will save you?)
"In the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary." Fukase said. I forgot most of it, sorry but it was like 20 minutes long. He successfully did an exorcism though.
Oliver's black eyes faded . And he fell to the floor. Piko caught him. Oliver quickly covers his left eye. The best opportunity to see his eye, wasted in the darkness of the room. "What, just happened?" He asked. "Uuuuuuuuh," Fukase and Piko said, turning to look at me. "Ok great but we still need to get out of here." I said. Point hops off Fukase's shoulder, punches the wall, busting it open. We all coughed because of the dust. We got out of there and ran to the parking lot. We got back into our rental car. "Can we get McDonald's?" Fukase asked. "No that was the last time I'm listening to you." "vos sedatos esse ambas poterat"(could you both be quiet?) Oliver said. "I will not tolerate such a demonic presence!" Fukase said aggressively. Piko and Point physically restrained Fukase. "Sit down Fukase! Oliver, no latin." I said. "Ego iustus novam linguam didicit"(I just learned a new language.) "Oliver! Don't make me turn this car around." I scolded. "Why would we go back to that church?" Piko complained, covering his ears.
"Hey where's my idiot brother?" Oliver asked. Shit...

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