Part 14

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(Flower's POV)
I woke up and washed my face in a gas station bathroom. My hair is a mess, and my hands are still stained from the oil change last night. I need to wash my clothes. It's only been a week since we got here. How? It felt so much longer than that. Either way it's stressful af. Somebody knocked on the door which startled me. I left the bathroom and bought a huge bottle of water. I'm not really hungry enough to eat right now. I got back in the car, which has grown to smell like feet. Fukase has his feet on the dashboard, which would be really bad if we got into a crash. I put his feet back on the floor. Then I drove with the windows open because the air conditioning stopped working. I can see why this didn't cost that much. It guzzles gas though, so the money we saved was spent anyway. I swerved to avoid hitting a deer trying to cross the road. That could've been bad. Fukase woke up holding onto the grab handle. He looked like he shat himself. "Are you okay?" I asked laughing . He settled down. "Yeah I guess so."  He picked up Point, and sat it on his lap. "Holy shit that's a big bottle of water? How much did that cost?" He asked. "Not much more than the other ones, so I got the big one." I said. "You didn't get me anything?" He asked. "No Fuka, this was over an hour ago." I said. "I hope we see a waterfall." Fukase said. "Um, sure I guess we could do that." I said. Fukase stuck his head out of the window. I told him not to, "Why not?" "You could get decapitated, it happens every day, no hands out of the window either, I don't want a one armed Fukase." I said. He rolled his eyes but did what I said. "It's like, eight o'clock, when did you wake up?" Fukase asked. "Six," "Aren't you tired? You didn't get to sleep until at least three. All this worrying about me, worry about yourself too." He said. "Thanks, but I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure about that? You look like a zombie." He said, Point nodded agreement. "Oh come on, I can miss out on some sleep. You can't do without a head." I said.

(Fukase's POV)
I think the head out the window is kinda personal for her, I heard her friend died in an accident like that. We drove for hours, until we reached the mountains, they were beautiful. I googled the nearest waterfall and we went to it. We had to walk down a long path to get there, but it was worth it. There was a shallow watering hole that flowed into a creek. "Should we just get in? We didn't bring extra clothes or towels." I asked. "Yeah, we have clothes in the car." Piko said. "Well, we wouldn't change right here anyways so, let's just swim." Flower said. There were other people in the water. Point sat on my head as I got in. The water was freezing cold. "My nipples are frozen!" I complained. "Shut up Fuka," Flower said, going under like it was nothing, when she came back up she shook her arms out and said, "I feel so alive!" Oliver put one foot in the water and thought it was too cold, so he sat next to Yohio. Yohio went all the way in then came out because he got cold.

Piko was standing there in the water shivering, because he didn't want to chicken out. Flower swam beneath me, then she stood up , and pushed me off her shoulders. I stood back up out of the water, "What was that for?" "You can take it." She replied. I mean, she's not wrong, but still, it's cold. "You wanna go over to the waterfall?" Flower asked me. "Yeah, of course." We waded our way over and stood in the waterfall. It felt like a massage, but also hurt more because of the cold. "You see that cliff over there? I wonder if we can get up there." Flower said, pointing at the cliff overhanging the watering hole. We got out of the water and asked everyone if they wanted to join us, to which they all agreed. We went around the side of the pool, close to the creek, and found a path that was climbable. The rocks were slightly damp, fortunately it had a coarse lichen on it. We climbed to the top and found a path that led to where we wanted to go. We followed it and found an open area. I walked to the edge and looked down, "Wow that's really far, I wonder if I could jump." I said. "You'd break your legs, your spine, back up." Piko said. So I jumped. Just kidding.

(Flower's POV)
Fukase kicked a rock off the edge, and I think it landed near someone in the water. We overheard a commotion, and someone called the cops. So we just walked along the bluff until we found the path that led to the parking lot. Then we took turns changing in the car, then we went to go get lunch somewhere.

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