Missing Part

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Damian had found out that his father would be coming to the Tower later and knew that, unfortunately, his time cuddling Raven was at an end for now. He used his arms to put himself back in his wheelchair. Raven however thought this time she would put him in. She carried him in, which made them both smile at each other.

"So, do you think we should tell the others about... us?" Raven was curious as to what Damian thought as neither of them had been in a relationship before. Frankly Damian didn't know.

"Not sure... I think maybe we should wait. If that's ok with you?" Damian had no clue. For an assassin prepared for every situation possible, he even found confessing his feelings to be easier (well not really).

"I'm happy if you're happy." Raven didn't care too much to make a big deal out of it.

"Father should be here soon."

"You're nervous." Raven could sense it. Not something she could usually sense in Damian, she never thought it would be about his father.

"I-I don't know what he'll think of me when he sees me like this. He'll probably be disappointed and ashamed of me."

"Damian your father would never think that. He loves you, you know he does." She knew that he didn't have the best history with is father. Feeling unwanted and unappreciated, but she knew this might be something good for their relationship, despite the paralysis.

As the two Titans came to the front door, they saw the rest of the team. Nightwing was in bandages and stitches. He looked better, like he had more strength. Of course Kori was close by him. She had promised herself never to leave him again.

Out of nowhere a roar of an engine louder than Gar playing video games (not something any Titan enjoyed hearing). The batmobile had driven up and the Batman himself walked out. Still dressed in his uniform, Batman's eye was immediately caught by his son in the wheelchair. This was shocking for the Dark Knight. He walked up to his son, not breaking eye contact. Damian looked away, a tear forming and running down his eye. What surprised him though was that his father hugged him tightly. Even Batman's composure began to break. Raven was watching and she couldn't help but let out a smile.

"Damian, I'm so sorry son." Damian couldn't believe what was happening but he found it to be way better than he could expect.

"Thank you, Father." They broke away and Batman had some bad news to tell his son.

"Damian when I was preparing the device for your legs, I went to retrieve a part for it to work. Deathstroke was there and he stole the part. I tried to fight him but there were ninjas everywhere.

Damian was noticeably upset. He did t know what to say. He rolled himself inside and made his way back to his room. Little did he know that Raven followed him in.

"Not everyone can sneak up on me Raven." He said while staring out the window.

"We'll get the part Damian." Raven knelt down in front of him, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"I'm meant to be the best assassin in the world, Robin, I'm meant to be one of the best fighters without powers... now I can't move without needing to be in this god damn chair!" Damian's eyes began welling up again.

Raven became lost in emotions and his eyes. She wiped away the tears from his cheek with her thumb, she cupped his face in her hands. They slowly moved closer until their lips began touching. Damian felt nothing but relief, joy, excitement and love.

As they pulled away they smiled at each other, staring into each other's eyes.

Kori had come to check on Damian but she caught what had happened. She was excited and sent a picture to all the Titans. Kori was better than this but let her excitement get the better of her.

She had noticed Gar hadn't replied like the rest. That's because Gar was convinced that Damian had taken Raven from him. Raven had no feelings for the changeling and she actually hated him. Gar however had always liked Raven. Gar was fuming with jealousy.

For Damian and Raven though it was nice to have a moment to themselves to take in their first kiss.

Batman also caught what happened. He knew Damian had been better since he joined then Titans, now he knew why. He was happy for Damian and text him before he left saying:'going to get that part. I'm not giving up. I love you son.' Damian simply replied saying thanks and that he loves him too.

The new couple watched him race off from the window, holding hands. The Titans are gonna take down Deathstroke. They'll start by looking at every place he's been.

Author: hello everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for reading. This will be continuing. I like to write whatever I think of and not plan ahead too much. I may have a thought and keep it in my head for next time. Next one will be more action focused but I hope you've enjoyed so far and I'm really enjoying doing this. Thank you very much. Be sure to check out the next chapter 👍🏻👍🏻

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