New Blood

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Raven was sitting in the bathroom for over an hour. She couldn't believe what she saw. Her and Damian love each other but they haven't been an official couple for that long. This was way too soon. She knew she'd have to tell him, he needs to know the truth.

She is pregnant.

She had done the test several times. Each time it's the same result. Positive. So many things had to be considered here. How would they raise the child, how much danger would it be put in and will it have powers? But most importantly: what would Damian think? They never discussed this. Children was something they could think about later on in their relationship when they're ready to settle down.

"Beloved, you've been in there for over an hour is everything ok?" Damian knocked on the door several times. He was very protective and slightly paranoid but he means well.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'll be out soon, don't worry." Raven spoke with her usual tone. She was trying desperately not to give away any suspicion. She had to tell him, but what if he leaves or asks to get rid of it, she thought. This is Damian if Raven's happy then he's happy, but this was big.

Upon coming out of the bathroom, Raven slid the pregnancy test down her back pocket. She took a deep breath and built up the nerve to tell him. Her heart frantically beating and her face warm.

"You sure you're alright? You look like you're about to pass out." Damian walked up to her. He put his hand on her shoulder. Raven looked up to him and kissed him.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining." He had a Wayne smirk on him. Raven loved the smirk in a way but she was way too distracted for this.

"I uh. I just wanted to because I love you. I-I have something I need to tell you as well." The smile she had from the first sentence dissolved in seconds. It was a cautious expression and she was still so unsure about the situation.

"Ok..." Damian looked worried. He knew this could either be something great or some of the worst news he'd heard. That's all he ever got in his life and frankly, he was tired of receiving the latter.

"I... um. Uh Damian, I'm... I'M PREGNANT!" She began breathing rapidly. It took all her strength to get that out of her and she became 3 times as worried very quickly.

Damian said nothing. His eyes were wide and his mouth open. He looked like he was trying to say something. When words failed him however, he picked Raven up and threw her on the bed as he bent down and gave her the longest most passionate kiss he could ever give her.

Raven knew this meant he was happy. This was all she needed to be happy as well. This was good. Although they would still need to discuss how to keep their child safe and even possibly train it.

"Please tell me you're serious!" Raven pulled out the pregnancy test and showed him. His face some how lighting up even more. He gave her another kiss and lied down next to her and enveloped her into his arms. He was not letting go any time soon.

"I am not letting go for a few hours and you know that don't you."

"I know, I don't ever wanna leave so keep holding on." Damian laughed a little at that. He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Raven is pregnant with his child. They are going to be parents.

They spent the next few hours cuddled up on their bed and talking about what this would mean for them. They talked about baby names and how to raise their child.

Damian had to leave for patrol and told Raven that after they eventually announce her pregnancy, she would be taking a break and potentially retiring from superhero life. She agreed to take the break for her pregnancy but was still thinking about retirement.

Damian could not stop thinking about the situation with her pregnancy and he was stupid happy. That happiness halted when he felt a blade come through his shoulder and a gun take out his leg. He groaned in pain and turned around to see Harley Quinn and Joker. He could still defend himself but he suddenly felt numb and weak. He lost control of his legs and fell to the ground. He surmised that the blade that stabbed him was poisoned and he would not be getting up for a while. Whilst he still had control of his upper body, he turned his homing beacon on once again so that if he was taken, the Titans could find him.

"Well, well, well what a nice surprise. Another boy wonder for me to drive absolutely insane. Which reminds me, how is the kid? Ol Jason still scared of the crowbars? Hahaha! He's got a pretty good reason to be. Who knows what I'll make you afraid of." Joker cackled maniacally whilst him and Harley began to pick him up and drag him whilst he was losing consciousness.

Upon waking up he found himself hung by his hands overhead by a rope. He saw he was bloody and beaten to a pulp. Joker appeared to be plugging in some wires to a machine that Damian was linked to.

"Try not to fry from this hey kiddo!" Damian screeched out in pain as Joker laughed and pulled a lever, electrocuting him.

"Raven! Raven we need you!" Raven was second leading the Titans but she had no idea how to lead so she wasn't looking forward to whatever the other Titans wanted. After hearing them all outside her room she guessed it was important.

Upon opening the door she saw Batman and knew this definitely was not a good sign.

"What's going on?"

Batman approached putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Damian has activated his homing beacon. I looked around the place where he turned it on and found this." He pulled out a joker card which contained a note around it. It was an invitation to find Robin.
"Joker took Damian."

Raven's eyes widened and she immediately broke down in tears and told everyone to get ready to save him. She had heard stories about the Joker. He was a monster and was known for making Jason Todd die after torturing him, driving him to become Red Hood.

Batman gave Raven a warm hug and promised they would get him back. She couldn't lose him. Especially not with their child on the way. She would do anything to get him back... even kill Joker...

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