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Damian awoke with Raven next to him. She was sound asleep, still insisting she not leave his side.

After a few minutes she woke up and Damian begun kissing her cheeks which she happily smiled at. She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Good morning, Raven."

"Good morning, Damian."

They agreed they should probably get up, if they didn't Kori would be there knocking until they left.

They went downstairs, Raven pushing Damian in his wheelchair. He still hated his inability to walk and hoped they would find that part soon. He heard his father's voice in another room, to which Raven wheeled him in. Batman was standing there with the device for Damian's legs and he was in shock at how quickly they got it together.

"Father, how do you-?

Before he could continue, Batman rested his hand on Damian's shoulder. Speaking softly and pulling his cowl off.

"Cyborg was able to find another part and got it all assembled in no time... You ready to walk again?" Bruce was happy that he could tell this to Damian. He was especially happy that this was basically the first bit of info he received that day.

Damian immediately hugged his father with tears streaming down his face. Raven smiled at the site. "Thank you Father... Thank you so much."


After the device had been surgically placed on his spine, Damian was trying to walk again. It would take some getting used to again but he knew that and was happy to have Raven catch him whenever he would fall.

Damian fell yet again, Raven caught him and couldn't help but laugh a bit. Damian didn't mind. Raven discreetly placed a kiss on his cheek as everyone was watching to support Damian. Everyone was supporting him but Garfield. Garfield was sitting there with rage collecting inside of him. Of course he loved Terra but Raven was different. His attraction however was due to hormones, nothing compared to the actual bond and love between the two birds.

Gar had enough, while Damian was trying to walk Gar quickly ran up and pushed him on his back once Damian had grabbed Raven's hand. Damian my not be able to walk but after that he knew he would have to defend himself, he knew how he would as well.

"What is your problem Logan." Damian was visibly annoyed and wondered where this anger had come from.

"You took her from me!" Gar was holding Damian's neck, strangling him.

"Wh-what are you talking about?!" Damian was quick to push Gar off of him then land a punch to his abdomen.

"Raven, I liked her first!"

That was when Gar turned into a gorilla and punched Damian through a wall. Not causing any injuries too serious. That was when Raven interfered. She blasted Gar back and ran over to Damian, making sure he was ok then turning to Gar.

"Garfield stop. This may come as a surprise to you but it takes two people liking each other to create a relationship and that's why Damian and I are together, because of how we feel about each other! I do not feel that way for you and I never will!"

Gar switched back to his human form, he saw everyone looking at him. That included Batman who looked as if he could kill Gar with his glare alone.

Becoming aware of what he was doing and a bit embarrassed, he turned into a bird and flew away.

Raven turned back to Damian who was trying to get up.

"Are you alright?" She said as she offered him her hand. After he took it she was quick to hug him trying to say that it's not his fault.

"I'm ok." Damian leaned into the hug. They separated and Damian begun walking which he was beyond happy about.

"Damian you're walking!" Raven and the others were all in awe at the sight and Raven grabbed Damian's shirt and pulled him in and kissed him. It was passionate and long and Damian returned the same amount of passion.

After they pulled away Damian went over to his father and engulfed him in a warm hug.

"Thank you Father!" His voice was cracked and it lost its usual aggressive tone which was "normal" for the young assassin.

Batman said nothing for a while, he just took in the hug. When he did finally speak he said something he never said to Damian outside of texts.

"I love you son."

Damian returned the sentimental statement as he called it.

"I love you too Father."

After everyone had said congratulations and told Damian how happy they were for him, him and Raven returned to Damian's room.

"You know I'm still not gonna leave you alone anytime soon." Raven said with a smirk on her face.

"Good, I can do with someone to help me with my training. Might be a bit rusty." Damian had a smirk of his own on his face.

Raven went over to him and gave him a small peck on his lips. It then became a long deep kiss. They agreed they didn't want to do anything like that for a while but that didn't stop them from making out.

"Raven, thank you for looking after me. I do have one question for you though."

"Go ahead."

"I know we haven't been together for a very long time but... I don't even know if people do this (I've never been in a relationship before) but will you be my girlfriend?"

Raven quickly began kissing him again putting her arms around his neck. His going over to wrap around her waist.

"Of course I will, I couldn't imagine a better boyfriend." Raven found her own reply to be a bit weird but she had answered with a yes.

"I love you Raven."

"I love you too Damian."


"The boy is back to his strength. You said he was crippled!?"

"He was."


"I know-"

"Deal with him or you can say goodbye to your place with the Great One."

"No I'll kill him. Tell Darkseid he won't survive next time."

"You kill the boy and his team. All superheroes on Earth are a threat!"

"Understood, what about the Justice League." Deathstroke looked up meeting DeSaad's eyes. He knew the plan but lacked the reason.

"You kill the Titans. Tell them who ordered you. Then when the Justice League attack they will be too caught in their grief to land any solid blows. We will crush them and take the Earth." DeSaad had already ended communication afterwards. Deathstroke's mission was clear. Kill the Titans and then get the League to attack Apokolips and let Darkseid kill them.

First target: Beast Boy..,

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