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After Selina and Bruce interrogated Talia, Raven made her way to her cell. She was planning on giving her a piece of her mind for what she did to Damian. She knew Talia was good at manipulating people so she decided to threaten Talia as she could take down the League if she wanted.

"I wondered when I would be getting a visit from my son's new thing. Never thought he would settle for a demon witch." Talia gave off a slight grin but Raven knew how to prove herself to be so much more than what Talia described her as.

"You're one to talk. Let's see what have you done? Oh that's right, you made your own son suffer, you tried to turn him into a weapon for your own benefit. You never considered what he might want and you made him kill people. We still calling me the demon?" Talia appeared unfazed but Raven knew she got to her. She could sense the anger rising in her. Raven felt she'd done her job and was beginning to leave until she said one more thing.

"Did you know there's a special place in hell for you according to my father? Apparently that's where all who followed Ra's go. I hear it's not fun. Don't mess with me again or I'll send you there in a heartbeat." With that she turned and left. Talia was infuriated and knew she would kill Raven in front of Damian. So that's what she begun working on.

She planned to get caught. She planned to kill Raven and now she was going to have her way. She escaped the cell and took a knife. As she made her way to the surveillance room she found Damian and Raven in the training room.

Cyborg had arrived earlier to work on Talia's cell. He never got around to it and he was watching the two train. Talia knew she wouldn't need to survive this. She was willing to die to break her son.

She crawled through the vents and in an instant she dashed out and held Raven by her neck. She kicked Damian to the floor and drew the knife through Raven's chest, just about missing her heart but it was a fatal blow. Raven then fell to the ground barely alive.

"RAVEN!" Damian threw himself at his mother and cut her arm off with his sword. At this time Batman and Catwoman had entered and they quickly took over and pinned Talia down, knowing Damian would likely kill her.

Damian made his way to Raven and picked her up in his arms. He gave some coordinates to Cyborg. Damian knew the only thing that would save Raven would be a Lazuras Pit. He had to do it while she was still alive to lessen the risk of her coming back insane.

He emerged from the boomtube and knelt down in front of the pit.

"D-Damian what is that?" Damian tried to steer away from the subject of the pits as they were never considered good for anything. Raven was clueless about the glowing green liquid, only knowing Deathstroke had apparently used one.

"It's a Lazuras Pit beloved. It will save you. You just have to be strong like always. Think of something important while you're in there. I'm not gonna lose you." Damian began putting her into the pit. She closed her eyes in thought. It was only a few seconds before her body would give up. Damian submerged her in the pit.

He waited for about 2 minutes before Raven suddenly emerged. She was screaming and wailing around. Damian ran to her and used their mental link to get her head right again.

"Raven! I'm here ok? Listen to my voice beloved. Look at me I'm here. I'm never leaving you." Raven had calmed down a bit but it still wasn't enough so Damian tried something very cliche but he hoped it would work.

He grabbed her and pulled her into the most passionate kiss they'd ever had. Raven stopped squirming and closed her eyes whilst holding Damian's face. She was back. They pulled away and smiled at each other. Tears streaming down both their faces.

"DAMIAN! I love you more than anything!" She quickly pulled him into a tight hug.

"I love you more than anything too." He couldn't deny her the same words. She was gone and she came back. He was always going to be there for her. He wanted to stay that way with her and he would do his best to do so. Raven would sure as hell do the same thing.

All the bad memories of the pit were overcome with this one good one with Raven.

They returned to the tower to find Talia dead on the floor. She had a burn mark on her chest.

Starfire welcomed the two back but she had just been talking to Batman. She had done this. She had gone down a dark path and she clearly wasn't ok.

"Kori are you alright?"

"You did this didn't you?"

The two questioned her. She simply nodded and walked away. This was not like the Tameranian. She usually took the peaceful approach.

The young couple returned to their room deciding this was something to investigate later. They just wanted to spend all the time they could with each other from now on.

"I thought I lost you."

"I told you, you'll never lose me. You know I will always be here. I would do anything to be with you beloved." Damian was surprised she'd used her own nickname for him. He should've known she'd do that at some point.

"Don't ever leave me. Promise me." Damian looked at her with a sad expression but Raven knew she could always make him happy. She would do anything to make him happy.

"No, lets promise each other this. I'll never leave you and you'll never leave me." Damian quickly smiled and kissed her in another long passionate kiss. Raven smiled back and they had formed their two way promise.

"Deal Habibti."

They then smiled at each other again, becoming lost in each other's eyes.


"You will no longer lead the team."


"Bruce is right. Look Kori you need help and we can give you that help."

Bruce and Selina had called Kori for a meeting and decided it would be best for her not to lead the team anymore. Unlike Damian's accidental kill of Deathstroke, this was intentional. Kori wanted to kill Talia and she did it with no hesitation.

"I'm sorry Kori but this is for your own good. We can help and we will get you back into spirits again." Kori simply looked down after Bruce's comment and nodded. Kori was becoming more ruthless and she needed help but Dick was gone and there was no way of getting him back.

She then thought of something outrageous but it could work. Though everyone would be against it. She was going to convince Damian to use the Lazuras Pit on Dick...

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