Coming back

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"Ugh this baby is months old and it's acting as if it's getting out of world war 1." Kori complained. She'd been holding Arella for a while and she wouldn't stop squirming. It's like she knew she had been kidnapped.

"Your child is boasting better than that one. Mar'i is not a nuisance at all." Azrael watched Kori's sleeping child Mar'i. Kori came to regret leaving the Titans and betraying them. She just wanted Dick back, her child needs a father and she needs her love. She loves Mar'i but the fact Dick isn't there makes it so much harder.

As Kori bounced Arella around in her arms she noticed something off about her. All of a sudden she was engulfed by a power like Raven's. Instead of purple, however, it was green. As if her eye colour was related to her powers. She disappeared and Kori also noticed that she had blasted Azrael in the face before doing so.

"What the hell?!"

"Ach! Stupid child." They began looking all around the basement in Titans Tower they were hiding in. Little did they know that Arella was not in there.


Raven had been crying in Damian's arms for hours now. They talked of how fate or whatever wouldn't let them have a normal life. That is until they came to the conclusion that they should properly give up the superhero lives after their wedding. It was the only way to stop them from being targets of villains. They valued each other and their love more than running around wearing capes and masks and kicking some bad guys where it hurts.

Suddenly a small flash of green appeared and Arella emerged asleep. The use of her powers had drained all her energy. She was obviously very young and small and it was even hard for Raven to use her powers without draining her energy.

Raven and Damian were dumbfounded, but more than that they were over joyed and ran over to gather Arella in their arms.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Arella!! Baby!" Raven couldn't stop the tears coming out of her eyes. Not tears from sadness. Tears of joy.

"Arella! Thank god!" Damian was equally joyful. He was planting kisses all over Arella's head.

Arella stirred in her sleep, letting out a quiet giggle, she opened her eyes and reached out for her parents' faces. Damian encouraged Raven to take her first but she wanted both of them to take her in their arms. Damian agreed. Arella was back safe and sound, she had come home.

"How did she...? You know...?" Raven looked at him with a beaming smile like the one she had when Arella was born and when she said yes to Damian's proposal. But it was identical to the one she had on her date with Damian when they called each other their soulmates. It was like they exchanged vows. Maybe too early though.

"I think it's her heritage. Our little Arella has powers. And in green like yours and her eyes!" She explained as she looked down on their daughter. After all of that suffering Arella had come back on her own.

As the two tucked the child into bed they came to an agreement of maybe no date nights for a while unless it's at home. They weren't gonna rely on Constantine and Zattanna for a while now as well.

"You know we need to stop Kori don't you." Raven asked. Damian's expression turned from joy to anger. He officially hates Kori. However someone else is on his mind. Someone he wants to kill.

"I know. I'm more concerned about Azrael. They need to be brought down." Damian faced Raven with pure anger in his eyes. She knew he was going to want to kill one of them. She needed to remind him of the most important lesson in his life.

She placed her hands on his cheeks and slowly rubbed her thumbs on his face. His expression softened and he slowly closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers as he placed his hands on her waist. "Justice not vengeance my love. Damian I know you want to kill Azrael. I don't blame you, I do too. But this is not the way. Remember what your father taught you."

Damian looked up with a slight glint of light in his eyes as he tried to suppress the tears. He closed his eyes again and slipped forward, kissing Raven. She continued to caress his cheeks and smiled in their kiss. As did Damian.

Once they separated their smiles lingered on their faces. Hands in the same place and faces barely an inch away.

"Thank you Habibti. I love you."

"Anytime. I love you too."

After a few more kisses they came up with a plan to find and apprehend the kidnappers of their beloved daughter. They would need help though...

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