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Months have passed and Damian had taken to father life quickly. He was extremely protective of Arella and Raven noticed every time she cried in the night, Damian made sure that no one was trying to kidnap her or break in. They had moved into a comfortable house just outside Jump City. The house wasn't massive but it was big enough to probably fit around 10 people at most.

Raven admired her fiancé's protective means and she couldn't help but take some of them on with her parenting methods. She was happy being a mother but she definitely wasn't prepared for the stress that came with it. Arella, like every child, was proving to be a nightmare. Raven and Damian loved Arella with all their hearts but was she loud? Yes. Was she always crying? Yes. Did she make a mess? Of course she did.

Neither Damian or Raven had seen any sign of Kori or Azrael. Damian felt this was not a good sign and so he was training every chance he got. Azrael knew his moves so he would need to learn some new ones. Raven always supported him but thought he could do with a break. Arella, wedding planning and Azrael was stressing Damian out. He needed a break before his head exploded.

"Dami?" Raven called as Damian punched the punch bag with an abnormal amount of strength. His attention immediately turned to her.

"Yes beloved. It's not my turn to change Arella already is it?" He wore a look of discomfort. Raven simply chuckled at his question.

"No it's not. Don't worry. Come on." Damian raised his brow in confusion.

"Where are we going?" He asked as Raven walked up to him and place one hand on his chest.

"Well you're gonna have a shower, then we're gonna go out for a while. Maybe get some dinner. Dessert is also available." Raven winked. Damian's brows shot up as he quickly smirked and kissed her quickly. He loved it when Raven was like this but he made sure to prepare more often now as Raven made it clear that one baby is enough... for now.

"I'm getting in the shower." Damian quickly said before running off to the bathroom. Raven laughed as he ran off. Clearly he was keen.

Raven had to get a sitter for Arella though and Damian had made it clear it had to be someone they know. Alfred had been found after Arella's birth but he had the manor to look after. The Titans had disbanded and all the members were doing their own things. They basically had one option. The only person that they trusted that would be available. John Constantine. Well technically John and Zatanna.

Raven called them over as Damian was getting dressed. Raven was wearing a navy blue dress with a short skirt as well as a Raven necklace that Damian had got her. Damian was wearing a long sleeve red shirt with a black jacket and black jeans.

A gold portal emerged from the living room and in stepped the two magic users.

"Please tell me we aren't on sodden baby duty." Damian smirked at John after that stupid question.

"John come on it's not like it's the worst thing we've done." Zatanna spoke up. John felt little comfort from her comfort as he pulled out a cigarette.

"No smoking!" Raven and Damian yelled in unison. John raised his hands in surrender as he put the cigarette away.

"List of things to do and look out for on the kitchen counter. If anything is missing I'll cut off your fingers." Damian exclaimed. Raven quickly pulled him away by the hand.

"Alright we're leaving, thank you for doing this." Raven said as they walked out of the door. The door slammed and the two were off.

The two finished their dinner and began walking around a park. It reminded the two of their first date. Damian just recovered from his injuries that made him use a wheelchair for a week. They were somewhat thankful for those injuries as they don't know if they'd confessed their feelings for each other if not for those events.

As they walked hand in hand Damian spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence the two shared.

"I'm a lucky guy." Raven looked at him with a curious look. "You know. I've got the most amazing woman in the world and she's my fiancé and my beautiful little daughter." Raven smiled at his confession. She leaned her head on his shoulder after giving him a kiss on the cheek. She held one arm around his as she began to snake herself around her husband-to-be.

"Yeah. I'm lucky too. I think maybe too lucky." Raven's expression turned slightly sad and Damian took notice of this and turned towards her and placed his hands on her waist.

"What's wrong?" Raven looked up into his eyes as she spoke her mind.

"I dunno. I think that my hormones are acting up. I just feel like I don't deserve any of this. I am the reason Azarath was destroyed and my mother was killed. I shouldn't have any of these things." Raven began to shed a tear as Damian pulled her into a warm embrace. Damian felt bad and felt the comforting words vanish as he remembered his past.

"Raven you shouldn't feel that way. You didn't mean for those things to happen. If anything I'm the one who doesn't deserve this life." Raven backed away enough to see Damian's face as she looked at him with a sympathetic look. "I was born and raised to hurt and kill people. I've done terrible things that I thought were justified. You know what I've done. What I was..." Raven cupped his face with her hands. She really had found her soulmate. The person who had a similar life to her, the person she opened herself up to you and who returned the favour. This is her love. They had a daughter together, a life together. Something neither of them thought they'd ever have.

"We've both done terrible things... Damian, we are both trying to be better and now that I think about it, I'd say we are doing a good job. We have each other and we have our daughter. I'm happy because I have her and I have my soulmate." She smiled with tears in her eyes. Damian smiled and kissed her. He was happy. Happier than he'd ever been and he had also found his soulmate. She was perfect to him in every way and gave her their perfect daughter.

As they pulled away he was still smiling along with Raven. They had their foreheads pressed together as they both had tears of joy. "I love you. My soulmate. My Raven."

"I love you too. My soulmate. My Damian."

As they had their heartfelt conversation they reminded themselves of their plans and decided they couldn't wait any longer and wanted to solidify the moment into their memories. Thankfully Damian came prepared this time. Though doing that in the park was unexpected but they weren't concerned. It was dark and their was no one around.


"Well balls."

"That's your reaction!? What are we gonna tell them?"

"Some masked bloke made off with their daughter."

John and Zatanna had been knocked to the floor as Azrael took Arella. He was fast. They had no chance of using their magic. Now Arella was gone. All that was left by Azrael was a note.

"Your child shall be returned to you. All you need do is grant us access to Nanda Parbat and relinquish the Bat mantle to me. I will be returning in 2 days for your response."

Would they ever get a break? Their daughter has now been taken.

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