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Damian was called to see his father and Selina. He barely tolerated Selina but after his mother had just been killed, he figured she could possibly fill the space. He used to see his mother as one of the greatest people in his life. He knew she deserved death however but replacing her would not be something he would say had thought about.

"Father... Kyle" Damian glared at Selina. He had no ill intentions against her but he just couldn't help himself.

"Damian the Justice League has decided that you will now be the leader of the Titans. Kori has gone too far and she needs help right now, you are the clear choice." Shock overwhelmed Damian. He had never thought he'd need to be a leader when it came to being Robin and he didn't know if it was best for him to lead. Sure he would love to do it but he knows he is not the most liked person and will not resist the urge to be harsh and push training to the max.

"Father, I can't lead the team. Leading the team means I have to at least get on with everyone, including the public. That is already less likely to change." He gave his father a cocked eyebrow and an emotionless look.

"Damian, you're saying this as if you are the same as you were 8 years ago when you first started being Robin. You have grown up, from what I hear you are the second best fighter here as well. Kori still takes first however." Bruce gave his son a slight smirk, knowing full well he just pulled on his ego.

He agreed to try to lead the team. As he left he couldn't help but wonder why he was now so liked by his father. He appeared more respectful towards Damian after Dick's death. Why? Because his favourite had gone?

Damian decided he'd ask him later. For now he had a date with Raven planned. They decided they'd go to a fancy restaurant, it was that or the cinema. They decided they'd go there then just wander for a while. It wasn't a good idea and they needed to clear their heads for a while after what happened with Kori and Talia.

As they sat down at the table, Damian was overwhelmed immediately. He'd been asked to lead the team, he had seen his mother dead and he nearly lost the only person he truly loves. The information came charging in out of no where and it was visible to Raven.

"Dami, what's wrong? You've barely looked away from the menu since we got here." She had concern written all over her face. Damian knew she would notice and he couldn't be bothered to hide anything anymore.

"Sorry, Raven a lot is in my head right now and I can't really process it."

Raven stood up and held out her hand to Damian, who was visibly confused.

"Come on, I wanna show you something."

Damian stood and took her hand. This must be good if she's skipping out on food, he thought.

They came out of the restaurant and she opened a portal, dragging him through. What was on the other side left Damian speechless. It was beautiful. It was warm, sunny and vibrant. A waterfall ahead of them that could be no taller than 15ft tall. Around them were trees that were as green as Damian's eyes.

"I come here to meditate when you're on patrol sometimes. I worry about you and being here keeps me from losing myself to that worry." Raven confessed. She looked at Damian and took note that he was both perplexed by the beauty and sympathetic towards her. This was confirmed when he looked down and intertwined their fingers.

"So, what's bothering you? Let me help." Raven found it easier to get things out of him after they began this relationship.

"Father, asked me to lead the team..." Raven's expression turned into surprise. She had no idea that this would be what's eating at him.

"I feel guilty for Kori. She shouldn't have had to kill, I have no sympathy for my mother... Also you, Raven, after you went into the pit it felt like forever until you came out. My heart ached. I'd wondered if we hadn't gotten there soon enough or if you would even come back the same. I-I just couldn't lose you. I thought I had..." the confession wasn't as much of a surprise to Raven as one might imagine. She felt guilty for letting him go through that even if it wasn't her fault. She felt the same every time she healed Damian. Though this was far worse. She did die for a second before the pit took effect. She could hardly blame Damian for worrying about the pit. She found herself just wanting to wrap him up and tell him it was all going to be ok. She couldn't know that it would though.

Raven saw the pool by the waterfall and climbed in after stripping into her underwear. She gestured for Damian to do the same, which he did with no hesitation.

After they got in she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and took him into a deep, gentle kiss. He responded by wrapping his arms around her thighs and holding her up for the longest time. Damian also felt guilty. Guilty because he'd let Raven be hurt and she nearly became lost to him. They promised each other, never again would that happen to them.

The kiss ended and Raven moved her hands to cup his face to which he leaned his forehead on hers.

"You, would be a great leader. And me, Damian you don't have to feel like this. I told you we would never lose each other. I'll never lose you and you'll never lose me... You are the person I love and live for and I would do anything to keep you with me and be with you." Damian smiled and kissed her again. He knew how to make her melt into him and he explained he'd do the same for her in a heartbeat.

They forgot about their plans and things ended up getting a bit heated from there. Only they'd failed to realise that Damian had not brought protection. This slipped their mind completely and they spent the rest of the day laying on the grass, sometimes going back to the pool and cuddling and kissing.

Who would think another Wayne would be coming into the world? No one. Not even Damian and Raven. Raven would have to find out about all this along with Damian. Soon...

Sorry for the lack of an update in a while. I have been busy with my birthday and some other stuff going on. Watch out for the next update. It's a big one 😁

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