New Legacy

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Damian was all over the place. He went to visit Alfred but the butler was nowhere to be found once he arrived at the manor. He looked all over Gotham but there was still no sign of him.

Eventually he decided to call it a day and return to San Francisco. Raven was waiting for him whilst rubbing her belly. They had found out that demons were not pregnant as long as humans. Raven being half human would only be pregnant for 4 and a half months before giving birth.

Damian was not taking his father's mantle. He was convinced by Jason to start his own mantle. Batman would live through his children's legacies now.

Damian returned into his room and simply looked at Raven staring out of the window. He snuck behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She simply responded by placing a hand on the back of his head and placed a tender kiss on his cheek.

"How was the trip? Did you find Alfred?" Raven had a look of worry, knowing the butler though he would be fine, Damian thought.

"No, I'm sure he's fine though. He will take Father's death his own way." He gave Raven a quick kiss before she turned around and hugged him, properly.

"What are you going to do about Batman? I know it's a big responsibility for anyone, especially you." Raven caressed his cheek with her hand as he leaned into the touch. Seeing him so content brought a small smile to her face.

"Todd gave me some advice, he said I should start my own thing. Batman will live on through our own legacies." Raven looked surprised but she quickly understood what this was.

"That's a good idea. So... what's my Dami's new identity then." She gave him a smile, which Damian found very cute. She was clearly going to support him through whatever he was going through, even getting out of Robin to be something else. All this made Damian very happy to know he was lucky enough to have Raven and soon their child.

Before he left for Gotham, Damian wanted him and Raven to live somewhere outside of the Tower. He felt the need for their independence. She agreed to this but Damian wanted to make sure they would be happy with this change. They had been with the Titans for a long time, over 4 years for Damian and Raven was around nearly 5 years. Leaving was something they were never keen to do but they still wanted to do it. To live their own lives, it just so happened they'd be doing that together now. The two of them and their child.

"I'm still working on that but it'll be something new. I want to honour Father in a way with this new alias. I hope it'll come up soon." Damian and Raven decided to spend some time together before Damian went to work on his new project, his new suit and identity, that was important to do but Raven was more important to him.

Once he started working on it, he was very keen to invent something new from Robin. He changed a lot of his suit. He was now wearing a black version of the suit. The inside of his cape was now red and his green gauntlets were now red with hexagonal patterns on them. His mask was now covering his cheeks as well and covered more of his forehead. He sported an X on his chest, a Red X. To honour Batman he placed a bat symbol on his gauntlets to show he was a creation of Batman.

Raven was stunned to see his new look. She loved it. She loved that she was not the only one wearing all dark colours with a sinister look to it. She noticed his eyes were red on his mask now but she could still see those vibrant emerald green eyes beneath them. Overall she loved the new look and new identity. Even if she didn't she knew if he was happy she would be.

Damian introduced himself to the team as Red X and made it clear that he was no longer Robin. That mantle was for someone else now. Who try didn't know yet.

He and Raven also cleared up the situation with them moving out. Kori was secretly enraged. She made no progress in getting Damian to bring back Nightwing. She was going to have to try now or that would be it. Raven and Damian were moving to their own place in one week.

She made her way to the couple's room, eager to do anything possible. Upon knocking at the door she was greeted by an exhausted Raven. Kori had been there with her pregnancy and she was in her final moth now.

"Hey Kori, what's up?"

"I need to speak with Damian." She all but demanded Raven to open the door and leave her with him. Damian was adamant that Raven stay. Seeing that whatever she can say to him she can say to Raven too. Eventually she gave in and decided to come straight out with it.

"Damian I want you to revive Dick with the Pit." Damian's expression changed to anger instantly and he told her the consequences of doing such a thing. Nightwing would be insane. A body with no soul. He couldn't do it after he had been dead for a few months. Raven sided with him. She explained how if Damian were any later in reviving her, she wouldn't be there.

Refusals came left and right and Kori thought enough was enough. She blasted Damian in the chest before screaming and flying away.

Raven ran to Damian to make sure he was ok. He had his new suit on which seemed to absorb all the energy from her blast. The knock back was all hw felt.

"You ok Love?"

"Fine but I need to find Kori. Stay here, I can't risk you and the baby being hurt." Raven pouted and looked down. She slowly nodded.

Damian sensed her sadness and gave her a loving kiss. She seemed to lighten up after that and he quickly glided out of the window with a smile on his face. Thinking about Raven.

Kori had to be found and stopped before she resurrected Nightwing herself...

Author: Hi! I know it's been a while since an update. I've been busy over this time and now have a job so updated might happen less often. I wrote a draft for this but it was nowhere near what I wanted it like. It's different but this is much better. Hope you're enjoying. Will now do as many chapters as I feel like instead of 20 as long as I can keep the story going. Look out for the next update!

Also been trying to improve my writing so yeah...

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