Finale (😏)

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Well here we are. The final chapter. Don't worry, I'm crying too 😂. But I said there would be a surprise and I am true to my word... ready? Good.


That's right I will be doing another book taking place after this one, so make sure you keep an eye out for that as it will be coming very soon.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoy this one.

"Dami!" Raven yelled across the room. Arella had grown up rather quick in the 2 years since Damian and Raven's marriage and she was proving to be 'troublesome' in her own way. She quickly discovered more of her powers inherited from Raven and found ways to annoy her parents and occasionally nearly kill someone.

"What?!" Damian shouted. Damian had retired from superhero life and settled into the married, happy life with Raven. He found the change to be somewhat stressful as he always wanted to beat up some crook he saw on the streets but he had to control himself. He took up meditation with Raven to help ease his mind and not provoke his violent thoughts.

"Arella just broke another window! She won't stop crying!" Raven explained. She turned her head to the near 3 year old girl in her arms. Raven took to motherhood like a bird to a flock, but she didn't half find it stressful. She often ended up taking her anger out on Damian which she always explained she didn't mean it and she was stressed. Damian always understood and provided his own stress relief solution to her 😉.

"Why are you crying sweetheart?" Damian asked as he ran over to his wife and child. Arella could kind of speak but not clearly or in full sentences yet. She was a fast learner like her parents and smart. She was definitely still a little girl though. Tantrums, crying, screaming, they were all evident in Arella. Though a few times the reasons were unclear, this was a common occurrence.

"Mummy won't give me cuddles!!!" Arella cried out. She was always begging for cuddles and any sort of intimacy with her parents. Particularly Raven and Damian couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Raven laughed it off and made him feel better by giving him kisses which he though was better than cuddles.

"Arella, Mummy can't give you cuddles all the time, Baby. She has other things that she needs to do. Why don't you get cuddles from Daddy while Mummy takes Titus to the vets?" Raven asked. Arella nodded her head after pondering the question for a while. Both parents let out a sigh of relief before Damian gave Raven a kiss on the cheek and let her take Titus.

"Will you give me cuddles when you're back, Mummy?" Arella all but begged. Raven turned her head from the door and promised her daughter that she would and would be quick. Arella lit up on that note and tightened her grip on Damian's neck as he smiled at his wife before glancing at Arella.

After that the rest of the day was filled with cuddles and T.V. Damian had trained a few times, deciding he can still use his fighting skills as a hobby, and Raven read and meditated with him a few times.

Arella giggled as she was placed into her bed by Raven. She watched as her parents both kissed her on her head and wished her goodnight.

"We love you sweetie." Raven Whispered. Her and Damian smiled at the now sleeping Arella. They were thankful that she could always get to sleep so quickly and slept like a rock.

Damian and Raven crawled into bed with Damian on top of Raven in a heated kiss. They were naked (again) and could feel all the heat and wonderful sensations returning to them.

As they both reached their climax after a good few minutes of working some magic on each other, Damian fell to Raven's side with both of them feeling very tired but also very good.

"I love you so much, Raven. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you and Arella." Damian said. He sighed as he took Raven in his arms with a smile on his face.

"You always get cliché after sex." Raven said with a laugh. "I love it though. I love you too, I feel the same way."

The two closed their eyes and were about to enter a deep sleep until Damian spoke up.



"Happy anniversary." He said with a kiss to her head. She smiled.

"Happy anniversary, Dami." Raven whispered.

Arella slept in the other room peacefully. Or do it seemed, inside she was having a lovely chat with her grandfather, Trigon. Raven hadn't told Arella of her past yet, nor Damian about his. They thought she was too young to understand the pain they went through at a young age.

Of course though, Trigon was trying to get to Arella.

For now though, they were alright and would do their best to ensure that their lives were going to be how they wanted them to be now. Fate could suck it...

There we go, it is well gone midnight btw 😂.

Hope you enjoyed this book and I hope you enjoy the sequel which, as I said before, will be out very soon.

Thank you again and I appreciate all of you very much.

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