Chapter 3 • The Dead End

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2020 November 12, 7 PM

"Yeah, I reached here. Looks like I have to wait since we don't know when the inspector will arrive. I'll call you back when I'm finished."

Wuxie put back his phone in his pocket and walked into the bar. When the three paid a visit to the previous investigator, Wuxie understood the other was hiding a lot of things, maybe related to this case. He even realised they were being watched. Even though Wuxie suspected the inspector at first, later when they were about to leave the words of the inspector changed his view. He decoded the meaning behind the inspector's words. He wanted to meet Wuxie and he gave a hint to the place which was none other than 'Night merry'.

The time wasn't specified so Wuxie thought better be early. He reached the destination at 7 'o'clock. He picked the far end table which was almost hidden from other tables with a shelf of bottles but he could watch almost every table. Wuxie sat there taking out his phone then scrolling through some files and report he got forwarded from his team.

Wuxie always preferred to work detached from his technical team and he only took Xiao Hua with him to the field. This time he was asked to take over a case in a different city and that's why he needed a local assistant which was Wang Yuben aka Wang Pangzi. This habit of Wuxie always accelerated his investigation and boosted his chances of success. Now here it also helps him to maintain the secrecy as there is someone who spying on them. Someone evil.

Wuxie spent about half an hour there and he didn't order anything as he didn't meet the inspector yet.

Well, it was Wuxie. Half an hour was already too much for him to sit in a place and keep his mouth shut. He soon got bored and there was no sight of the inspector yet. Wuxie got up and walked over to the bar counter where the only known face was. He was still in his usual all-black dress. Yanjing already identified the presence of others but didn't disturb him as Wuxie was busy with his phone. When he saw Wuxie walking over he quickly made a drink and as he took the seat, he slides the glass over to Wuxie.

"Don't worry, no alcohol." He said with a grin.

"Thank you." Wuxie took the glass and raised it to show gratitude. It was sparkling water with lime essence. One sip and Wuxie felt all refreshed.

"How's the business going?" Wuxie asked to kick start the conversation.

"Well...okay. It's going okay." Yanjing replied as he cleans the counter with a piece of white cloth.

"Just okay? Guess the handsome is still not here."

"Yes. He is okay now but still, I asked him to take leave for today too." Yanjing but soon cracked up. Wuxie was taken back by this sudden laugh.

"What's so funny? Care to share?" Wuxie inquired.

"Well... It's the girls. They ordered me to treat him well. So, I have to, right?" Yanjing said with a laugh maybe to hide his little embarrassment.

"Of course. Of course." Both laughed.


Yanjing goes from time to time to take orders or to make drinks leaving Wuxie by himself and he sits there waiting for either Yanjing to come back or the inspector to arrive. Now the time was quarter to 8.

"Why didn't you bring your partner? Isn't it so lonely?" Yanjing asked worrying about him (or something else?) and also, he felt guilty to leave Wuxie alone.

"He accompanied Pangzi. And also, it will be safer for only one of us to meet the inspector. He has some confidential information I guess." Wuxie said then was struck by a sudden realisation that the meeting had to a secret but he told the one before him. Wuxie looked up to Yanjing studying his face. He was minding his business wiping the glasses while with Wuxie. He seemed not thinking much about the things Wuxie was saying. Wuxie becomes silent but it was only realised by the other after some seconds. He quickly turned to see what was Wuxie doing but met the eyes which were scrutinizing him.

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