Chapter 30 • I did it, uncle

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December 10, 2020, 1 PM

Even though the day was the coldest of December, the heat of noon was like its summer, perfectly reflecting the tension building around the factory.

Wuxie and Kylin were hiding behind the gate observing the guards patrolling.

"Xiao ge... Look at that guard's uniform. Looks like he is from an elite gang." Wuxie pointed out.

Kylin nodded in agreement. But he frowned remembering Zhan Junbai's cheating.

"But we can't trust them, right? Now we have to find our own way inside." Wuxie said disappointed. He again started to run his eyes around the premises.

But startling them a voice spoke from behind.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Come with me you'll get killed."

Wuxie and Kylin turned around pointing their weapon at that man. He was a guard from the elite gang.

"Woah Woah Woah... Relax. I'm Mr, Zhan's man. I'll get you inside." The man said raising his hands.

Wuxie couldn't comprehend hearing such a response. Didn't Zhan betray us? He still thinks he can fool us. Well not anymore.

"Do you think we are going fall for it again? Zhan Junbai is a betr-" Wuxie couldn't finish it. Kylin stopped Wuxie. And to his surprise...

"We'll follow you." Kylin said to the man. He sighed in relief and walked back around the outer wall, probably towards a back gate.

Kylin walked behind that man and even though stunned, Wuxie followed Kylin.

"Xiao ge?! What are you thinking? It's dangerous to follow him."

Wuxie was expressing his concern, on the contrary, Kylin seemed calm. He shook his head.


"He is not dangerous."

"How do you know?"

"He didn't lie."

"How. Do. You. Know?"

"I feel it."

"Oh, you feel for a complete stranger? You can read him just like that? Why it never works for someone close to you?"

Wuxie was aggravated and he started blurting out nonsense. In return, Kylin looked back at Wuxie nonchalantly.

"Wuxie... Focus."

Okay. That's enough. Wuxie was now more furious. If he saw Tian Qing right now, there will be no more Tian Qing. But it was Kylin... and the level of Wuxie's anger is the same as a pup. Harmless.

He followed Kylin just like a pup.

And to Wuxie's disbelief, that man did take them to a secret pathway that lead to a tunnel underground.

"There, after that turn, you see a ladder. Take that you'll enter the warehouse. From there two floors up is the office where all the documents are... Mr. Zhan said to get you guys there first. I can't enter there. So, you are on your own."

He showed the way and walked away. Kylin and Wuxie stood there taking a moment to process the information.

"Shall we move?" asked Wuxie. Kylin nodded and took lead. Wuxie followed him closely. After some steps, he took his phone out and sent messages to others who probably are arriving.

"Intercom won't work until we all are in the range. I guess they are still not here. Anyways let's get in and see what happens."

It was easy to climb up the ladder and reach the warehouse. From there they entered the corridor on the first floor. But to reach the second floor from there Wuxie and Kylin had to pass 4 men who guarded the stairs and lift.

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