Chapter 26 • Purpose

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Time was ticking and the Beijing was slowly turning into a fire pit for the boys. The people who were looking for them were somewhere near to the hospital.

Even though going out is dangerous for them, Wuxie and Kylin sneaked out of the hospital through the back gate. A black Sweden was waiting for them as per Yuelou's instruction. A man dressed in black came out and threw the key to Wuxie. He walked away without saying anything.

"Xiao ge." Wuxie signaled Kylin to get in the car.

Wuxie started the engine. They were going through small alley roads, avoiding the highway and city roads.

Where are they going??


(In the hospital)

"There is Yuzhi." Pangzi alerted everyone as Yuzhi came.

There were all waiting in the hospital canteen for Yuzi's arrival.

"Okay. I get it." Yuzhi announced as he took the seat beside Yuelou.

"What it is?"

"It is the next piece of the puzzle."

"Puzzle piece?" Everyone around the table was once again confused.

"Yeah. Sam didn't give him any information. But he said, whoever helps the boy... Oh yeah, except police... will be rewarded."

"Reward? Who wants a reward now? Do I look like I'm interested in presents? I can't even remember the last time having a satisfying meal. Now we are getting a reward."

No sleep, locked up inside a hospital, anytime they can get ambushed... Pangzi was losing it.

But when the group is packed with clown's any on the verge of death situations will be like having an open park picnic for them.

"Oh, come on... Yuzhi and I were the ones starved because of you Pangzi. Don't you remember what happened this morning? Or you forgot everything as the sun set?"

That's was true. It was just this morning they had breakfast which is equal to a feast. But isn't already evening? So, you can't blame Pangzi.

"So what?"

"Yuelou stop it. There is no time to play. Let me finish what I was going to say." Yuzhi interfered.

"Sam Lin bestowed this present to his daughter. He was just being cautious with whatever he had. So I think this reward is important for us." Yuzhi explained.

"That's right. We all are good at what we do... But in this situation... confined like this... I think the only thing we can do is to take whatever chance we have."

Wuxie stated. "So, Sam Lin's daughter it is."

"It's getting dark. I think we can sneak out now." Pangzi said excitedly.

"There is no we. Only two should go. That's safer." Xiao Hua said.

Everyone glanced at each other. At this point, all of them were ready for anything. As they were taking glances silently, suddenly a voice echoed near the door.

"So who is accompanying me?" It was Wuxie.

"Huh!? When did you get there? Come back Wuxie. You should rest here." Yanjing said.

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