Chapter 17 • "Xiao ge!"

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This story idea came from just a simple line, which is the title itself. It was challenging for framing Wuxie's character. Because everytime, I had to make him struggle.
I'm glad the greatest struggle is coming to an end today.

Yes. Kylin is here, in Shanghai.

This chapter is for everyone who had a right time because of this story. I also want to thank you all for expressing it in comments.
It's a proof that whatever I write, I had some effect on you.

Thank you for your time. And



Even when the sun was up straight above, the room stayed dark. All the windows were closed and curtains were pulled on. Wuxie fell asleep on the living room floor. The cold floor made his body numb but he stayed there the whole night, awake. It was in the morning he fell asleep making him skip both breakfast and now lunch. The person who arranged to deliver food did as he asked. He kept the food by the door and returned.

Wuxie slowly opened his eyes. He lay back looking at the white ceiling. The white color didn't bring peace to him but made his loneliness more severe. Wuxie sighed at himself. I don't want to make anyone worry, but I can't face anyone yet. The more I stay locked up, the more I felt I only deserve this. I only deserve to be alone. My parents left me, my only family left, and I ... I killed xiao ge. Wuxie... You are indeed born with a rotten fate.

Wuxie curled up embracing himself, but he couldn't find the warmth he was searching for. He also didn't understand it. What do you expect Wuxie? You didn't deserve it.

Tears made their way out of Wuxie's eyes. His eyes were burning by all the crying these days. But gradually his loud sobs went down. Now he didn't have any strength to cry loudly.

Wuxie was in the living room in the mess he had created all these days. His wounds were still untreated. His whole body was aching yet he didn't bother to get up.

He was lying there when he heard the doorbell. Wuxie didn't hear anything from Xiao Hua today. Wuxie thought it will him who was here to deliver him food. He ignored the doorbell as Xiao Hua did it all these days. He just wants to let Wuxie that he is here with food. After ringing the doorbell, Xiao Hua will go back. So, this time too, Wuxie ignored it. But the doorbell rang twice, then for the third time. Now kt started annoying Wuxie. He got up with anger and yelled at the person behind the door.


Wuxie coughed as he yelled suddenly. His throat was aching. But then he heard knocks on the door. Unexpectedly the next sound was the keys of the door lock being pressed. A sudden panic occurred in Wuxie.

"What the hell... Xiao Hua, you!?" Wuxie got up stumbling. He made it to his room and locked it from inside and he heard the front door being open.

Shit. How the hell did he guess the password. He promised he won't do it. "You all are liars. You all don't care about me. I'm dying here and all I wanted was a space to release my remorse. And now. I HATE YOU XIAO HUA. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND. I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYONE. GO AWAY. I'M A KILLER, DON'T YOU KNOW? GO AWAY BEFORE I END UP HURTING YOU TOO."

Wuxie was consumed by his regret. He now believes he is some evil that can hurt anyone around him. So, he wanted to stay away from his dear ones. But he never expected the door to be opened.

There was no reply. Wuxie sat on the floor by the bed. He kept repeating 'go away'. For minutes he stayed like that to realize the silence surrounded him. There were no sounds from the living room. Wuxie came near to the door and held his ear close to it listen to any faint sounds. Then only he could hear sounds like picking up things, moping, and moving things. Wuxie was fuming with anger but he somehow got calm hearing it. He stayed by the door listening to it.

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