Chapter 23 • Iron Triangle

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Wuxie, Pangzi, and Kylin were going through the tunnel which ended by a sealed door. The round door had a big handle like a stirring wheel. Kylin after feeling the door put his ears on the door listening to the other side.

"No movement inside." He said then grabbed the handle.

It was not easy to turn it. But for Kylin, the door seemed no problem. Soon with a loud screech the door opened. Pangzi peeked into the room to make sure it's safe inside.

"All clear." Pangzi said signaling the other too. He entered first then Wuxie and Kylin.

Pangzi and Wuxie had their guns while Kylin was unarmed. His sword was inside the sheath he hung in his back. Having a great reflex, Kylin didn't need to take it out beforehand.

It was room seemed like a storage room. Chairs, tables, and some racks were stored which seemed not so old. Unlike the view in the tunnel, from here it felt like a high-end facility.

"What is this place exactly?" Wuxie exclaimed while Pangzi advanced towards the door half which was translucent glass. He half-opened it peeking out.

It was a corridor where there are many doors on both sides. The floor was tiled neatly and in white. Same for the walls, it was painted and kept well.

Suddenly he heard footsteps from far. Pangi was quick to close the door.

"What? What do you see?" Wuxie asked but Pangzi covered his mouth to keep him silent. They moved from the door and keened over the wall on either side Kylin did the same.

"Someone is coming." Kylin said in a low volume as he noticed the sounds. His all sense was sharp now. His hands slowly went back getting ready to pull out his sword in case they gets caught.

Pangzi released his grip on Wuxie and they both also got into position.

The corridor echoed the stomping boots' sound and second by second it was nearing the room they were standing. It won't be an exaggeration if say that their hearts were in their mouth.

Their hearts were beating loud along with the stepping sound.

They all gripped onto their weapons and...

"They just passed by!?" Wuxie exclaimed.

"Yeah. I mean they didn't see me. I closed the door before that."

"What??" Wuxie shouted in a whisper.

"Ah! I didn't say it, right?"

"It scared the hell out of me." Wuxie slapped hard on Pangzi's arms.

While these two were bickering Kylin was making sure they did go away. He then opened the door wide enough for them to get out. He looked back at Wuxie sending telepathic waves for him to understand 'stop bickering and get your a** out here'.

Wuxie understood this and smiled gawkily at Kylin.

"Let's go."




The other side of the tunnel, which Xiao Hua, Yanjing, Yuelou, and Yuzhi took led to a similar room. But to their surprise, the condition inside was terrible than outside. The room was long abandoned and was stinky.

"What the hell is this place?" Yanjing asked covering his nose.

"There is a door." Yuzhi was the first one to see the door to the outside. It is a complete metal door unlike the one in the room Wuxie and team ended up.

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