Chapter 22 • The long tunnel

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Chen Yuzhi followed Yuelou to the other side of the godown. They started searching.

Like the other parts, the room had only some cardboard boxes and metal roads and pieces.

"It's the same as when we came here last time," Yuelou said still moving some boxes, just in case.

"Yuzhi?" Yuelou turned around when he didn't get any response from his partner. Yuzhi was staying there with a puzzled face.


"Not everything is the same," Yuzhi said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there is this smell... It's not rusted metal or anything like before. It's something else." Yuzhi said sniffing to get the smell right.

"But I don't smell anything," Yuelou answered when he couldn't smell anything new and different.

"Maybe you can't. But I... I feel familiar with it."

"Then let's search. See what we can get." Yuelou said and Yuzhi nodded in agreement. "And wear your mask properly. Don't sniff too much or the dust is gonna get you."

"Woah. What a rare sight."

"What? Me being caring?" Yuelou asked with a playful grin.

It has been more than a month since they got together officially. From that day everything between them is different. What to say? Yuelou is more daring and shameless.

Like now.

Yuelou stepped forward nearing Yuzhi. First, he paused then put his hand on the doctor's nape, creasing it.

"Isn't it normal for a man to care for his partner?"

Yuzhi was all red but he wasn't a shy person. "Yes." He nodded smiling big.

. . . "Let's finish the search," Yuzhi said breaking the intense stare they were having.

For a minute they searched in the boxes and all. Some were empty some had scraps in them, which were nothing useful to them. But then something caught Yuelou's eyes.

"Yuzhi look." He called Yuzhi immediately.

Yuzhi came to see a small bottle that dropped down from a box. Yuzhi took the box first sniffing it while Yuelou picked up the bottle which had some white powder in it. The bottle wasn't labeled. So, to identify the content in it...

"It's this smell. I think this box had whatever this is in a great amount."

"Do you know what this is? Look at this bottle."

"White powder? Hold this." Yuzhi give back the bottle and took out his kerchief from his pocket.

It was a light blue kerchief. He took two big cardboard boxes and put one over the other to make a temporary table that was up to his abdomen. He then spread the kerchief on top of it.

"Give me the bottle," Yuzhi said to Yuelou who handed over it immediately.

Yuzhi held the bottle up examining the powder once more and opened it.

"Careful." Yuelou reminded.

"Don't worry. I guess I know what it is." Yuzhi said.

He sprinkled some on the kerchief. He then took out the pen he had with him and stirred it to see the texture of the powder. He once again sniffed the powder and nodded as he confirmed.

"You get it?"

"Yes. This powder is used in many medicines for neuro problems."


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