Chapter 29 • Traitor!?

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December 10, 2020, 9 AM

And at last, ... The day has come.

Wuxie and others were all ready for the mission. They gathered for one last time in the hall of the building.

"I'll brief the plan one again." Yanjing said taking the lead.

"We have 2 targets today. One, Zhan Tian Qing. We have to catch him there at his facility. As per Junbai, his men will be at the gates so entering the premises isn't a problem. But inside the warehouse and factory... It's all president's man. So, we have to be careful while sneaking in. Priority number 1 is to gather evidence. Then the man himself. Got it?"

"Yes." Everyone responded in the same voice.

"Then let's move. Make sure you're all connected through the intercom. Let's go."

"Let's go."

It was as just like preparing for war. The man they are going against is no joke. So it was nothing less than a war.

They hopped on their respective vehicles. It was 3 cars; One for Yuelou and Yuzhi, one for Wuxie and Xiao Hua, and the last one for Yanjing, Pangzi, and Kylin.

Soon the three cars hit the road.

"Xiao Hua... Your arrangement sucks."

"Huh!? This is not a picnic, Wuxie. Behave yourself. At least remember you're are a cop. No wonder even though you joined SIB before me... you're still here." Xiao Hua scoffed.

"Hey...! That's offensive okay. I did join SIB before you and I have handled many cases before you. And it's me who asked the chief to pick you as my partner. So, respect your senior. Okay?"

Wuxie even if slightly offended, didn't lose his cool. "But I have to admit... I did kind of missed this. Two of us together. I mean Pangzi is good. We have decided to take him in... But still..."

Wuxie looked at his friend...partner...emotional support...everything combined Xiao Hua, fondly. Xiao Hua too couldn't help but remember those past times... It was indeed good times.


"Yuzhi... I still think it's a ba-"

"Stop it already... You won't get rid of me that easily. Hell or heaven, I just don't care. I have decided to follow you. Then I'll do it without any exception."

Yuelou could only sigh as he drove. How kind and caring Chen Yuzhi is, he is that much stubborn too. And when it comes to Yuelou he has got no chills.


Well, well... what a boring ride. Why didn't Hua'er let me ride with him??? Now I'm stuck with a mute and a fatty taking their beauty sleep.




All three cars were swifting through the road. At that time a message popped up on Yuzhi's phone.

"Yuelou, it's Zhan Junbai. There is a problem."

"What is it?"

I just got the news.

He is planning to take all the children from the home.

I can't do anything about it.

- Zhan Junbai

Chen Yuzhi showed the message to Yuelou.

"What does he mean by he can't do anything? So, what are we supposed to do now?" Yuelou said all frustrated.

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