Chapter 23

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When we walked in Nina cupped her hands over her mouth. "She's here dickheads!"

"Jesus Neen it's two pm on a Saturday they are working."

Nina rolled her eyes. I set my bags by the checkout desk. I watched as one by one the men that had become my brothers walked out of their booths.

Liam got to me first. He picked me up and spun me around. "You look good Will."

I smiled at him hugging him tightly. "Jesus... You got buff...What have you been doing?"

He blushes. His eyes flick toward Nina briefly. It happens so quickly that I almost miss it. But I don't. Especially when she smirks.

I open my mouth to say something but Zayn's arms reach out and grab me away from Liam. "We missed you kiddo." He kisses my forehead.

"I'm 23 Z. I'm not a kiddo anymore." I laugh. Shoving myself away from him.

Colson damn near bowled me over. "Damn Willie look at that tan." He kissed my head. "I fucking missed you little sister."

Niall did bowl me over. Knocked me flat on the couch. "It's been three years since you've been in here. Don't do that again." He scolds me.

"I know. I'm sorry." And I am.

"Big time photographer too good for us hood boys now." Louis gripes, snatching my fedora off of my head and ruffling my hair. He drags me into his lap and nuzzles my neck.

"Hey! Cut that out!" I grabbed my fedora back from him, placing it back on my head. "Let me up I have to pee."

Niall helps me off of the couch and I straighten out my shorts. I walk to the back, the closer I get towards the last booth the more my anxiety kicks into overdrive.

I know he isn't here. But I'd left to get away from all of the memories. Being here...It's just dragging them all back until I feel like I'm choking on them.

I hear two guns going one on each side of the hallway. Both booths occupied lights are shining. I look back at the group who are standing in the lobby watching me. Why are they all looking at me like that?

"You guys hired more help?"

The light above his old booth shuts off and the door opens.

I turn around and walk smack dab into a solid wall of chest.

The scent hits me first. Washing over my senses. Jesus I'm a freak. I know he's not here.

Hands came out to steady me and flashbacks of him touching me all over my body make my head spin.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


Ohmifucking god. His voice... I step back, look up and my heart drops to my knees.

He's here. He's fucking here.

"Harry?" My voice came out just above a whisper. What was he doing here. He'd left four years ago.

"Hi, baby." He smiles down at me. Like no time has passed. Like he's happy to see me. Like he knew I was coming.  The pet name is like a straight punch to my solar plexus. Knocking me completely off balance.

I can't fucking do this.

I turn on my heel and walk back towards the lobby. I was going to stab Nina.

"Willow wait." Harry calls after me.

My body reacts on instinct. I start to run. I run past everyone standing in the lobby staring after me. Tears streaming down my face as I push the shop doors open and keep fucking running. I run until I can't fucking breathe.

I run until my legs are aching.

I run until I stop fucking crying.

I run until I'm physically unable to run another step.

Maybe I'm a coward.

Maybe I'm a dumb ass.

Maybe I'm spineless and hopeless and full of shit.

But looking up into those green eyes, seeing those dimples. Seeing him...

It fucking shatters my heart all over again.

My phone is blowing up in my back pocket. I ignore it. I didn't realize I ran all the way to my old apartment.

I used to rent it, and now I own the whole building.

I see Sash checking out a customer through the shop window.

I bought it for her. For all of us really. She loves this place as much as I do. When her moms decided to sell so they could retire early and travel, I couldn't let it go. Not when it meant so much to all of us. It was also a smart investment.

Knowing I was in no shape to talk to her I went straight for the stairs to my place. She doesn't live here anymore. It's just mine now.

I unlock the door and slam it behind me.

Throwing my keys on the counter I rip off my clothes and go straight to the shower. I need to wash it off. All of it.

I'm angry, and hurt, and fucking confused.

How could no one tell me he was back? How long had he been here? Why was he here? Things hadn't ended badly between us. Not really. I understood why he had to go. That didn't make it any less hurtful.

Four fucking years. Seeing him was still like a punch in the stomach. He knocked the wind right out of me. So I did what I did best. I fucking ran. Because I couldn't do anything else. I wasn't brave enough to face him. Not yet. 

I sunk to the floor in the shower and hugged my knees to my chest.

Letting the hot water wash over my body. I sat in the shower until the water ran cold. Hoping it would bring me clarity.

Wrapping a towel around myself I ran my denman brush through my hair and left it sopping wet down my back.

I pulled on a pair of shorts, and a tank top. I'd left everything at the shop. Fucking great. I opened the door to my studio and my heart crashed again. I'd never painted over Harry's mural. I had tried. Everytime I came home I tried. Which granted hadn't been much...

I just could never bring myself to do it. It had taken him six months to finish. My face with my hair billowing out as if it were blowing in the wind, morphing into a weeping willow with roses scattered all over the ground looked back at me. Mocking me. I slammed the door shut.

I felt like I was watching the love of my life walk away from me all over again.

My cell phone on the counter rang again. I walked over and turned it off. I didn't want to hear it.

I was furious at Nina for not telling me. I was furious at all of them. The last I had heard was Harry had come back from England but was working at the sister shop they had built in L.A.

No one had told me he was back.

Sighing I grabbed the blanket off of my couch and curled up. I was exhausted. I needed to sleep. I needed to shut it all off. I needed... Fuck... I don't even know what I need. Except for a ninety hour nap.

That sounded glorious.

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