Chapter 26

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I woke up with Harry still wrapped around me. I really had missed this. Just being close to him. Talking to him. Laughing with him. The way he held me to him. I looked at the clock. It was two pm. Harry was still sleeping quietly beside me. I rolled to look at him.

He still looked so angelic when he slept. His eyelashes creating, half moons on his cheeks. His full lips set in a soft line. His skin was tanner, and the way he was styling his hair now made him look more frat boy than heathen. More sophisticated, older. I missed the long hair. He had pulled that off so well. But I liked this new style too. His curls were more prominent.  He had a five o'clock shadow. Which I found really attractive. 

"You're staring." 

His morning voice was my favorite. 

"I need to get up." I tried to move away from him. 

"No." Harry pulled me back to him. Nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I have to pee." I fibbed. I really didn't. I wanted to go get my camera. 

"You're coming back to bed." Harry demanded his eyes still closed. 

"Yes daddy." I rolled my eyes. Harry groaned, which made me laugh. 

I slipped out of the bed, going into the living area. I grabbed my camera, then slipped into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, used the toilet, and washed my hands. 

Harry was still in the same spot I had left him. Only now he was lying on his stomach with his face tilted towards the door. His arms were underneath the pillow. 

I crawled back on the bed laying on my side next to him. I put the viewfinder up to my eye and started snapping pictures. Harry's mouth tipped up in a one sided grin. "You little shit. You staged that whole, having a wee bit so you could get your camera." 

"Guilty." I giggled. He opened one eye. I snapped more pictures. 

"You don't find it at all creepy that you're taking pictures of me sleeping?" 

"Pot meet kettle." I let out a sarcastic response because he used to take pictures of me sleeping.

Harry smirks. "You're being a creep."

"No. I'm capturing time, preserving memories, holding beauty." I let the words whisper past my lips.

A blush tinted his cheek. I leaned up on one knee, snapping more pictures. "Besides. If I remember correctly you had a whole camera roll full of pictures of me sleeping." I raised an eyebrow at him. 

Harry sat up. His wild hair was adorable. He gave me one of his wicked looks before I was underneath him. The camera snapping away. "So I could show you how beautiful you are. I still have them. Willow…" 


"Be mine again." 

"Maybe…" I snapped a picture of his scowl. "So grumpy in the morning." 


"Hmmm?" I was being purposefully difficult and he knew it. 


"Oooo do that again." I shivered. 

He gave me a wicked look. The one where he raised an eyebrow, and ran his tongue along his open mouth. Holy shit... Even without the long hair that look melted my insides.

I snapped another picture, then he cracked up. I kept snapping pictures. He looked back down at me. His cross dangling just above me, one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen across his face. I captured it. 

"You know I've taken pictures of models all over the world. You're still the most breathtaking person I've ever photographed. That smile..." 

Harry looked down, then back up at me through his lashes. I caught the bashful look on camera. "Sweetness…" 

"Yes Harry?" 

"Be my girlfriend again." He frowned slightly at that word. "That's not the right word. Be my forever." 

My breath caught. "Harry…" What does that mean? Be his forever? Is he proposing? He can't be. We haven't seen each other in four years. He's not that mentally unstable.

"Yes or No, baby." 

"Don't you think this is moving a little fast Harry?" 

"Willow…" He's trying not to get frustrated with me. I can see it in his eyes.

"I'm being serious. You haven't seen me in four years. I've changed. You've changed. What if it doesn't work again?" 

"What if it does?" He challenged. "Move the camera." Harry's hand came down from above my head and moved the camera down. 

"HEY! Watch it Grabby Hands! I'm not done." 

His hands gripped my face. "Shut up." I cocked my eyebrow at him.  His eyes flashed. "Don't say it…" 

"Make me." 

He gave me that wicked grin. "Still a little brat."

"Only for you."

God. What is wrong with me?

His lips crashed against mine. When he pulled away my breath was coming out in gasps. 

"Get dressed, I'm taking you for  food." Harry kissed my nose. 

I scrunched my face together. "I don't wanna." 

"You need to eat." 

I had planned on being lazy all day. "Can't we just order something? I don't wanna leave my bubble today." 

"What if I had planned something special?" He raised his eyebrow at me. 

"You just knew you'd be forgiven that easily?" I clicked my tongue. "What if I would have told you to fuck off?" 

Harry leaned forward, pressed his forehead against mine and grinned. "We both know you'd never say that to me." 

"Cocky." He got that naughty look in his eyes. "Yes, I remember how much."  

He laughs. "You really don't want to leave the apartment today?" 

I shake my head. "No...honestly I'm still exhausted, and I have to go to that party tonight. I kind of just wanted to hang out here. Be lazy. I have errands to run though." I slapped my hand on my forehead. 

Harry laughed. "Can you run them tomorrow?" 

"Yes. But I have no food…Soooo…." 

Harry rolled out of the bed. "I'll run to the Cafe downstairs." 

"Mmm I love it when you talk dirty to me Daddy." 

Harry's body stopped walking towards the doorway. He turned around and tackled me. His mouth slamming against mine. His hands tangling in my hair tugging at the roots by the nape of my neck. His hips pinning me to the mattress. His teeth bit at my lip before smoothing over it with his tongue. 

"Fucking Christ Willow... Stop torturing me. Tell me you don't feel this?"

I let out a gust of breath. My whole body feels like it's on fire. "Of course I feel it Harry. You're 9.5 inches, and jabbing my thigh."

The look he gives me is half frustrated, half amused. He can't decide if he's more pissed off that I won't answer him or if he wants to laugh.

He shakes his head. Pushes himself off of me, and adjusts himself.

My eyes don't listen to my brain when I tell them not to gawk at his crotch.

"You staring at my dick doesn't make it go soft. Quite the opposite, sweetness."

He's smirking at me. I can feel it.

I pull the blankets over my face. My cheeks are flushed. I haven't blushed this much since... Fucking damn it.

He's got me twisted up all the fuck over again.

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