Chapter 3

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I'd been doing a great job avoiding Harry. It's been about a month since my birthday. I need to get over this crush. I'm not spending the last of my senior year pining over him. I have three months left until graduation.

Then 3 months before college starts.

I'm not even sure I still want to go... I know my dad wants me to. But I already know how to take pictures.

The plan is to live above Sasha's mom's bookstore. Clean up the place. Work part time at the bookstore, photography on the side. Use my social media presence, to build my photography portfolio.

Sasha and Nina are both influencers. I dabble. They are better at it than me. Nina with her unique style. She's planning to apprentice as a piercer after high school.

Sasha has the largest following. She does makeup, hair, speical effects.

I do okay. Post a lot of pictures and videos of skating and surfing. Food. My friends.

I'm supposed to be working at the shop today. Colson and the guys opened up Poetic Ink seven months ago. It's doing well. They each brought a loyal following.

I managed their social media. I was supposed to go today to take updated pictures. Colson wanted to hire me part time to be there to take professional shots daily.

It would be mutually beneficial.

I finish running, do yoga for thirty minutes, then go shower.

I keep my makeup mostly natural. Glossy nude lip, light pink blush, mascara, eyebrow tint. I curl my hair in that edgy half curl way. Leave the bottoms straight, only curling every other strand. Run my fingers through it, make it look messy. Pull half of it up in a bun, leave the rest down. I slip my black framed glasses onto my face, and a black lace choker around my neck.

I slip on a pair of tube socks, combat boots, then pull a sundress over my head. It has a scoop neck, buttons all the way down the front. It's short. A dusty rose color. I look cute.

I slink my camera bag, and my laptop bag over my shoulder and walk out to my car.

When I get to Poetic Ink, no one is working the front desk. The sound of tattoo guns buzzing whirls through the air. It can be heard over the music playing.

I set up my laptop, next to the work computer.

I need caffeine. While my laptop boots up I go in search of coffee.

I peek my head in Zayn's booth. He's bent over a client's torso. Tattooing something on his ribs.

When he pulls the gun away to dip into an ink well, I step into the booth. He looks up at me. His mouth lifting in a smile. His eyes sparkling. His tongue pokes out between his teeth. "Hi babe."

I return his smile. "Hey."

His client opens his eyes. A smile takes over his face as he looks me up and down. One of his eyes closes in a wink. Gross. "Hello sunshine."

Zayn turns to give him a look. "You here for work?"

I nod.

"You trying to kill him?" Zayn raises an eyebrow at me as he looks me up and down.

I shake my head.

"In that outfit... yeah you're trying to kill him." The guy in the chair laughs.

I look down at my dress. "I always dress like this."

Zayn nods. "You're 17 Will."

I narrow my eyes. I know how old I am.

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