Chapter 32

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Showing up at my dad's house with Harry was nerve wracking.

I had been almost beside myself thinking he was going to be upset that Harry hadn't talked to him before proposing.

Not that my dad would be. He's not traditional or conventional in that way at all...

But when Harry walked into his bedroom... Our bedroom? Fuck I don't even know... Do we live together now?

He told me I wasn't leaving, then took my keys to my apartment and left me to go get my clothes.

When he got back, he could tell I was panicking. "Calm down, Sweetness. I talked to your dad about this a long time ago. He knew that eventually I was planning on asking."

That shocks the shit out of me.

It's like he's had this whole plan concocted, and I was completely unaware of it.

In the back of my mind I felt this niggling...Like I'm not good enough for him.

Yes, he broke my heart, but he did it to better himself. He did it so I could better myself.

Even before that... He's always taken care of me. Treated me like I was the most important person in the world to him.

He's... God he's literally showed me how he felt about me for year, and I am so obtuse that I couldn't see it. I doubted him. When it was right in front of my face.

It makes me feel like I'm not worthy of him.

Like I don't do enough.

Like I really don't deserve him.

I don't like that feeling.

I really don't fucking like it.

"You okay, baby?" Harry reaches over to wind his fingers through mine.

Fuck. Even spending all that time apart he reads me better than anyone else. "Yeah...I'm okay."

He gives me a look. "You planning on telling me now, or later?"

I pull my lips into my mouth and shake my head at him.

I need a grand gesture. Something that let's him know how much he means to me.

"You're not going to put me off that easily, baby." He pulls me towards him. Stopping us both right in the middle of my dad's walkway. "You look like you're about to cry, what's the matter?"

I tilt my face up to look at him, his green eyes are focused on my face. "You really love me."

It's not a question, it's a statement. He answers anyway. "I really fucking do."

I let out a long sigh. "I don't know how I didn't see it. I thought... It doesn't matter. I just... I really love you too, and I kind of feel like I don't deserve you..."

He silences me with his lips pressed against mine. "None of that nonsense. You deserve the world. I'm honored to be the one who gives it to you."

We get so caught up in each other that I don't notice the door has opened and Colson is standing on the steps watching us. "Enough groping my sister, man. Get in the fucking house. I'm hungry."

"Go eat your girlfriend and let me enjoy my fiancé." Harry says against my lips.

Colson goes back into the house. About two minutes later he rips the door open. "Hold up. Did you say...Are you? What the fuck, man!"

I let out a giggle. "All that weed is killing your brain cells."

Harry grasps my hand and we slip past Colson into the house. My dad is in the kitchen, standing at the counter slincing vegetables for a salad. Sasha is next to him at the stove, stirring something in a large pot. Her moms are outside at the grill.

My dad looks up at me, his face splits into a smile. "You said yes."

He knows me well. "I said yes." I stick my left hand up by my face, a smile pulling at my lips.

"My baby girl is getting married." His whole face is smiling. His eyes are twinkling, as he walks towards us and hugs first me, then Harry.

Sasha is looking at me with tears in her eyes. "You better come fucking hug me."

She takes my hand and looks at the ring. Then she lets out a squeal. "Ohmigod. It's perfect."

She hugs Harry. "You did good bud."



After dinner and about an hour hanging out at Charlie's I drive Will to her apartment.  She grabs some clothes, and essentials, then comes back to mine.

After we've showered, together. Because, I can't keep my fucking hands off of her. We cuddle on the couch and call my mum.

She's ecstatic. So fucking happy for me, for Will. For us.

She asks if we've set a date, as far as I'm concerned we could just go to the court house.

I don't need a big wedding.

I say as much.

Willow frowns at me. "Your mom deserves to see you get married."

She does. I don't want to wait though. I've been waiting for so long already.

We say goodbye to my mum, call my sister, spend about forty minutes on the phone with her, by then I'm ready for fucking bed.

As we lay there, Willow in my t-shirt, sprawled across my chest, my hands gliding up and down her back something hits me. "What about May?"

She lifts her head to look at me. "May... That's six months away."

I nod. "Gives us time to plan, my family to get tickets out here... Beach wedding."

She smiles. "Sounds perfect."

"You're perfect. Come here."

She crawls up the bed until she's close enough to kiss me. I sip at her lips, as my hands lift the hem of her t-shirt off and over her head. "Sit on my face. I want to taste your sweet cunt."

A breathy moan slips past her lips. "Haven't you had enough of me?"

"Never. No such thing as enough. Now come here, and put that pretty cunt on my lips."

"The things you say to me."

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