Chapter 24

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I woke up to pounding on the door. "What the fuck?" I sat straight up and ended up landing on my ass. Maybe falling asleep on my couch wasn't the best idea.

"Jesus keep your fucking pants on I'm coming!"

I stumbled to the door and yanked it open. "What the fuck Colson!"

Colson stood on the other side of the door seething.

"Don't you want the fuck me Willow." He snapped. "We've been calling you for 10 fucking hours."

"I turned my phone off." Had I really been sleeping for seven hours?

"That was fucking stupid." He moved past me.

"What are you doing here?"

"You fucking took off. We were fucking worried! I was fucking worried."

I haven't seen my brother this angry since he found out Harry and I were dating. Maybe it was an omen. Because look how that turned out.

I glared right back at him. "You could have fucking warned me!"

"Why the fuck would we do that? So you wouldn't come home? We haven't seen you in fucking years! We're your Goddamn family Willow! I'm your fucking brother."

I flopped back on the couch. Feeling completely deflated. "Yeah I know."

"If I would have known shit was going to go down like it did after Harry left I would have kicked his fucking ass and made him stay away from you." Colson sat next to me. "You didn't just break up with each other... You left all of us. Pulled a fucking Ringo and just dipped."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "I'm sorry. I just..." I took a deep breath. "It hurt too much. I felt like I couldn't breathe without him. I felt like all of the oxygen was sucked out of my lungs. I was fucking suffocating."

Colson wrapped his arms around me. Sighing he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "He came back three months after you took off. Showed up looking like a damn lost puppy. He was a fucking wreck. We started that shop in L.A. he got it up and running for us, but the plan was he was always going to come back here. He begged us all not to tell you. He didn't want you giving up your dream to come running back here, or not come home. He'd fucking kill me if he knew I was telling you this right now. I was there when you sent that money to him. For the camera he bought you, and that letter. The look on his fucking face...I hated him, for hurting you...Until I saw how wrecked he was. Will, when you ran today, he was fucking gutted. I know you've moved on. But you should at least talk to the guy. He deserves that much."

Colson doesn't know shit...

I leaned into his shoulder anyway, because he's my big brother and I missed him. Even if he is a moron most of the time. "I know. I just..." I sighed. "I don't trust myself around him, Cole."

"Are you really over him?" My brother raises an eyebrow. Maybe he isn't as obtuse as he pretends to be.

I laughed sadly. "Do you ever get over your first love?"

"Come on Will. You're breaking my heart here." He pulled me in for another hug.

"I just need some time. I wasn't expecting to see him. Nina should have told me. Sash, or Nico, or Dom should have told me. Fucking hell Colson.. YOU should have told me."

Colson sighed. "Willow. If you knew he was here would you have come home?"

I avoided his eyes. "Probably not."

"That's why we didn't tell you. They miss you. I miss you." He stood up. "Sasha is waiting for me downstairs. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow at your party."

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