SJ- The bridge

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3rd person 

Scarlet was currently trying to get away from all the drama. Colin and her were getting a divorce. Her daughter Rose was so impatient with her. Rose was only 3 which meant she needed attention but Scarlett was too worn out. She was filming Avengers Infinity war. She decided to take a break which was only going to last a week. She took Rose with her so they could work out their  problems. They travelled to a small town outside New York. It was called Bridge. It was a small town and not many people knew this town existed. Scarlet rented a small house that included 2 rooms, bathroom,  kitchen ,living room and dining room. 

Y/N L/N was just a normal person. She wasn't very smart. She was having problems with her parents so as soon as she turned 18 she left her home. She lived in the town bridge for a few years now and people knew a lot about her. She acted happy every day but during the night she would break. She turned into a fragile person. She was tired of the beatings she would receive from her boyfriend. She worked in a book shop because she read a lot. She would read books and try to imagine herself in the book. She would take adventures and quests trying to find her true love. Her parents hated her for being different. She was bisexual but according to her parents it was a sin so she never talked back to them. 

Scarlet Pov

Today was our last day here in this town. It is such a nice and peaceful place. Me and Rose were walking to the book shop to get some books. When we entered the building the scent of old books filled my nose. Rose started skipping to the children's section so I quickly tried to catch up with her. When we got there they were doing story time. There were about 5 kids so Rose quickly sat there listening to the story. The women who was reading the book had long blond hair and dark green eyes. I could get lost in her eyes. As Rose was listening I went to the adult section and picked out 3 books. When I came back Rose was talking to the lady.

Rose, leave her alone, lets go pick out your books.

Okay mom, she said running to the princess books.

Sorry if she bothered you I said with a bit of embarrassment in my voice.

She's really nice.

Thanks anyway I have to go, bye


We quickly picked out Roses books and we left the store but I looked in the receipt and a name came out. Y/N L/N. Thats her name I thought. 

Later that night Rose fell asleep so I decided to take a quick walk. I was walking over the bridge but I saw her again. 

Y/N L/N was staring at the pond over the bridge. 

Hi, I said.

Hey, your the one who has the cute girl.

I guess,

What are you doing here?

Taking a quick walk.


What about you

I was doing the same thing. 

Y/N L/N is your name right?

Y-Yea how did you know?

The receipt

Oh yea, my bad

I was about to say by but I saw her eye. It was bruised.



What happened to your eye?


Y/N tell me

I can't

Then show me if you can't

She slowly takes out her phone and shows me videos 

There was a man hitting her for not making the food he wanted.

Another one when she didn't buy him alcohol.  

I slowly pull her into a bone crushing hug. I take her hand and I take her to my home. Rose was still sleeping. I take her to my bed and we both cuddle while sleeping peacefully. The next morning we were both awoken by Rose jumping on the bed.

The rest is history. 

We started dating, She became my wife when I proposed to her in France. She adopted Rose when she turned 4. I am known as mom while Y/n is known as mama. She became known as the (ship name) which was very interesting. We adopted a kid later on. His name was Hunter. 

This is the love story of Y/N and Scarlet Johansson.

The bridge.


Word count - 709

Stay safe. Hope you enjoy and Peace out

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now