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Idea from- @user74388301

and another one where they have a fight ? All of them with scarlett please. Have a good day

Y/n Pov

I came home from a long day of work. Extremely exhausted and drained. All I wanted was to come home and go to sleep. I wouldn't even bother getting into the shower. I sighed and grabbed my computer from the car seat. I walked inside to find Scarlet standing in front of me with a box. My box..., the box where I keep my poems and songs about her. I was going to publish it for her. 

She threw it on the ground. I just stared at her in confusion until she pointed at the ground. 

What? I said still confused, not understanding why she was mad. 

Who are these love notes and songs for she said.

Um, well you see.... I slowly said.

The only reason why I'm not telling her its for her is because it was he anniversary surprise and I didn't want to spoil the surprise but I may not have a choice. 

What, are you cheating on me, she said getting angrier by second. 

I must say, if glares could kill people, I would have been dead by now. 

Of course not, I love you too much to cheat on you, I said. 

Then, who's are these for? she said.

It was for you, I mumbled. 

What? I can't hear you, she said. 

It was for you, I said in a whisper.

I can't hear you. Until you tell me I'm going to go with Elizabeth. She said.

With that she turned around and went to her room to grab her phone. She grabbed her car keys and she unlocked the door. I was frozen in there. No sure what to do. Then I heard the door slam which brought me back to reality. I quickly ran out the door and I felt a bit of hope inside of me, hoping she would still be there.

 But I was wrong, she had already left. 

The car was gone.

There was no noise.

The wind blew against my face.

Leafs rattled against the wind.

But then I felt something cold on my cheeks.

I touched my face, and I was met with..


I finally had my first fight as a couple but it was my fault. I could women up (A/n or man up, whatever you prefer) 

I was confused, I didn't know what to do.

I went inside and called my sister. 

Hey y/n, she said.

Hey B,I said,  yes you guessed it, my sister is the one who played Carol Danvers.

Whats wrong, you're crying, she said worriedly. 

I fucked up big time, I said.

What did you do Y/n, she said a bit sternly. 

I told her my situation and she gave me the best advice ever. 

I hung up and ran into my room. I changed clothes and started to call someone. 

Hey can we publish the songs today? I said.

Yea, no problem, what time, Hailey said.

As soon as possible, I said with my voice sounding as urgent as can be.

Its going to take a few minutes maximum. 

Okay thank you Hailey.

No problem, just don't forget about me when your famous.

Never, I have to go, Bye.

Bye Y/n.

I quickly ran to my car and started to engine. I drove to Elizabeths house and banged on the door. Lizze opened the door and she had a small smile on her face. She would have been mad but I told her about the surprise because I needed some advice. She stepped to the side and walked me to the kitchen where we could hear Scarlett sobbing and banging her hands on the counter. 

I quickly ran to her and hugged her from behind. I grabbed her hands and held her against me while she trashed and squirmed trying to get away from me. 

Scarlett, I said.

She just shook her head no.

I let go and opened the YouTube playlist which started the video off with me telling who I dedicated the songs too.

Scarlett Johansson.

Scarlet stopped and just listened.

When the video finished she hugged me and said sorry over and over again. I smiled a little but hugged her back. We both went back home and Scarlet listened to the songs over and over again until I begged her to stop. She would play it when she was showering. Doing exercise. Falling asleep, on set or when she was away filming. 

After our first fight, everything changed, but in a good way. 


Word count - 778

A/n Hope you enjoy. I haven't been writing much. I have been busy with school but I will next week. Hope you enjoy.

 Thanks for the idea - @user74388301

Stay safe

Peace out!!

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