The popular couple

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Imagine being the popular couple in high school. Thats unbelievable yet here I'm standing next to the most beautiful lady. Scarlet and I have been dating since we were in middle school and currently we are in high school and were seniors. 

We were waiting to see who they were going to announce as the high school queen and king. Obviously it was going to be Scarlet but I knew I wouldn't make it up there without her. 

'And the prom queen is ..... Scarlet Johansson.' the principle said and Scarlet got up and we kissed on the lips. She walked onto the stage while everyone clapped for her. I just looked at her while she stood on the stage with pride. She was on top of the world and so was I when I heard...

'And no one votes for a prom king so the second runner up is Y/n L/n.' the principle said.

I was shocked, my friend pat my back and shoved me so I jogged to the stage where Scarlet crashed her lips on mine. I smiled as we received the crowns. We each got a certificate and we had one special dance. 

I smiled and led her to the dance floor where we all started dancing to Michael Jackson. Everyone else joined us and we all crowded in a circle. By the end of the night, we were all tired but before we left a slow song came out. I looked at Scarlet and she looked at me. I stuck out my arm and she grabbed onto it. I pulled her into me and we started to dance as the song started. She laid her head on chest and I kissed it. She smiled. 

Soon the song ended and the party was dying down. We walked back to the car, more like I walked and carried Scarlett. When we got in the car she closed her eyes and let out a low yawn. I smiled and started driving to her house. She slept the entire way. She looked so peaceful, she was breathing evenly and the way the moonlight shown on her face. 

I smiled at her before I got out the car and knocked on the door where her dad opened the door. I greeted him and went back to the car where ai carried Scarlet to her room. I opened the door and slowly let her on the bed. I grabbed a post it note and wrote the following.

'I'll see you tomorrow, I love you, call me when you wake up.'

I put it on her forehead and kissed her cheek before I closed the door and said good bye to her parents. I got back in my car and drove home in silence. I looked out the window thinking how lucky i am. 

I fell for Scarlet and she fell for me. 



Word Count - 496

Hope you enjoy.

Stay safe

Sorry i haven't been updating, I've been busy with school.

Love you guys.

Pace out!!!

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now