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Y/n Pov

I was walking through the campus. Scared to talk to anyone and scared to be made fun off. You see I struggle with social anxiety. I was walking until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl. Oh I forgot to tell you guys. I'm GAY. 

She looked beautiful. She was staring at me as well. 

"Um sorry, I just noticed you were alone and its my first year here" She said.

I suddenly found my feat interesting. 

"Its not problem, its my first year as well so I'm kinda lost right now." I said. 

"Hey, my names Scarlett and I noticed you by yourself, I'm alone as well." She said sticking out her hand. 

"Um, my names Y/n" I said. 

"Thats beautiful" She said.

"Thanks." I said.


Time skip later


Scarlet Pov

I was sort of questioning my sexuality. 

I saw Y/n alone.

I went up to her.

And then I felt different.

Her eyes were shining.

She looked beautiful.

I felt weird in my stomach. 

Something I never felt before. 

Today I skipped class and made my way to talk to another friend beside Y/n who was my best friend. 

"Hey Olivia" I said.

"Hey Scar, what's up?"

"I kinda... I may need your help." I said.


"I think I might be gay.." I said mumbling the last part. 

"Oh, Scar that's great, so who's your crush?" She asked.

"I don't have a crush." I said quickly. 

" So..... you wouldn't be mad if I date Y/n L/n" She said with a smirk.

" No, date anyone but her." I said.

"Aha, so Y/n is your crush." She said.

"Yea,  she's beautiful." I said.

"She really is." She replied.

"Olivia!" I said and smacked her arm. 

"I'm kidding she's all your." She said while rubbing her arm. 


I walked to Y/n and tapped her shoulder. 

"Hey Scar, what's up."

"Um, well, I-I like you a lot and I wanted to ask if you wanted to go  on a date with me, you don't have too but I would love it if you did-"

I felt her kiss me and then she said" Sure Scar, I liked you as well, I'm just not sure how to tell you."

I kissed her again.

We walked back to our dorm where I dropped her off. When I got to my room I started jumping up and down in happiness. 

That same comment I grabbed my phone and dialed Olivia's number. I told her everything especially the kiss. 

By the end of the phone call, she was laughing and teasing me. 

I hung up on her and laid on my bed watching the celling.

I had no idea why, I just felt so happy. 

I learned to accept my sexuality and now I proud to say





Word count - 469

Sorry this is short and isn't the best. 

I'm busy with school. 

I'll try updating more. 

Hope you enjoy.

Stay safe.

Peace out!!

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now