Best friends- Nr

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Y/N  Pov

Today was the last day of my mission. I would finally be able to go back home and hug my best friend. Natasha. After 4 months of saving women from men I had finally destroyed the company. I was sitting in the car while tapping my fingers against the window. My mom Carol Danvers the one and only captain marvel was driving the car while I tapped my fingers to the beat of the music. I bet Nat was excited to hug me again. 

Nat Pov

I was currently bouncing up and down waiting for my best friend to come back after 4 months. She completed her mission. They said she would be waiting at the door. I heard a knock on the door. I quickly got up and went to open it. My smile dropped when it was Tony. He came back to the compound with cake and balloons. Every one missed her so much. She was the only one who could keep the compound happy and alive. I sat back down on the couch. Wanda sat down next to me.

Hey she said as she took a sip of her tea.

Hi Wanda I said slowly leaning back on the couch.

Aren't you happy Y/N is going to be here? she asked.

I am I said.

But? she said

It was Tony who came and I thought it was Y/N. 

She laughed a little before I frowned. 

There was a door knock again. 

Yea right. I'm not falling for that again. I grumbled while glaring at the door. 

Bitch open the door! I hear my best friend Y/N yell from the other side of the door. 


I walk to the door .. okay I ran to the door and I burst open the door to see Y/N rubbing the back of her head.

You didn't have to hit me Y/N whines to her mom when Carol throws her a glare and simply walks past her.

You should watch you language Carol said while giving me a hug.

I'm an adult

Sure her mom said

I'm 18!

Totally an adult she said while laughing

Maybe I am still a kid but who cares.

I break out of day dreaming and I hug Y/N tightly.

We spent the rest of the day celebrating her mission. We ate chocolate cake and had a movie marathon. I will never leave my best friend alone. I miss her too much.


Word count - 411

 Sorry for the short story. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy. Stay safe.

Peace out 

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