The Dentist

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Y/n Pov

I just came back from school listening to music. I was dancing on the porch. I opened the door with my keys and then I went to the kitchen. I was  moving to the beat of the music. I opened the fridge and got a cup of fruit out. I put some spicy candy in there as well cause we all know that's boom. 

I was walking out the kitchen but then something caught my eye. I walked backwards and I looked a the calendar. There it was . 

September 5,

Take Y/n to dentist appointment  

Fuck, fuck. 

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there with my food. I slowly ate hoping my mom would forget but knowing she the Scarlett Johansson, she has reminders everyday and never lets something slip. I was enjoying my food until she started to knock on the door. 

"Y/N! I know you're in there. Lets go to the appointment. " Mom said.

"Nope! I'm not going. You can cancel the appointment." I said.

"Hurry up Y/n, you're old enough to go by yourself, your acting like you were 5!" she said from the other side of the room. 

"Are you assuming my age mother!" I yelled.

"Y/n, I swear to god if we don't make it on time I will have your butt."

"Your my mother, you wouldn't do that to me." I said. 

"Don't try me Y/n", she said.

"What are you going to do." I said as I head the door knob jingle. 

"This!" with that she opened the door and the keys were in her hand. I knew I forgot something. 

She sighed but then pointed out the door. I sighed as well and made my way down the stairs. I grabbed a piece of gum from my back pack before I made my way to the car where mom was on her phone.

She honked at me but I just walked slower until she got out the car. I went inside the car and we rode in awkward silence. 

"Y/n why don't you like going to the dentist", she said.

"Mom, I-I just don't like random people poking my mouth." I said.

"Y/n their professionals doing their job." She said.

"I know but you don't know them, what if they're a serial killer who wants to kill me while I'm getting my teeth cleaned?" I said.

She just let out a chuckle before she parked in the parking lot. 

She had to drag me inside. 



Word count - 425

Hope you enjoy. Sorry I'm not updating, I've been busy with school.

Stay safe,

Peace out!!!

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now