Sign Language- Sj

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Y/N Pov

I am finally being recognized for something. I'm 21 and I'm the main character of the movie The Beauty. I was born deaf. The character I am acting for is named Charlie. Charlie is a mute girl that was abused by her parents. Growing up was always hard for her. Being deaf did have some major advantages like not being able to hear her parents calling her worthless and stupid. Although she couldn't hear their eyes said everything. The physical pain as well. 

She escapes her abusive household but then becomes homeless. She falls in love with a girl when they meet at the park. Her name is Elena. Elena swore to protect Charlie with her life. Elena took Charlie to her home and then its a romance movie. 

Elena is Being acted by the one and only Scarlett Johansson. 

My celebrity crush has always been Scarlet. When I found out I got the role I was full with excitement. My talent was finally being used for something., Although I didn't;'t know how to communicate with my co workers. 

When I got on set I was practically shaking with fear. I met everyone besides the Scarlet. I was staring at the ground until I bumped into someone. 

Sorry, I signed without looking up not wanting to embarrass myself

Hey, Look at me, she signed

I looked up and I saw her. 

Hi I'm Scarlet, she signed

Hi I'm Y/N, pleasure to be working with you, I signed

No it's my pleasure. she signed back

You know Sign language I signed.

Yea, I need to find a way to talk to my new friend, she signed.

Thanks for learning it, I was a bit nervous at first, I signed.

No Problem, anyway you want to go for some coffee. she signed

I nodded


It was finally the scene I have been dreaming about. I finally got the opportunity to kiss Scarlet. We both went in and we kissed. My stomach had butterflies and I felt like I was going to explode. I looked up at her and she blushed a deep red. The director yelled CUT. 

We both went back to our trailer. At the end of the day, she asked me to stay behind. 

Yes, I signed.

I like you a lot, she signed.

As do I. I signed back.

We dated for a year before I signed 


She was in tears and signed it back although she still needed help with it. 


Word count - 415

Hope you enjoy the short story. Stay safe.

Peace out!!

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now