The nerf gun- Nr

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Y/N pov

I just got home from a long day at work. I opened the door and took off my shoes. I went to the kitchen to grab a snack but then I realized there was a sticky note on the counter.

You have 30 second to hide, grab your nerf gun and we start war. The winner gets to eat the last ice cream.

I quickly got my nerf gun. I hid behind the counter. Then I saw the shadow of my girl friend, it was Natasha's Shadow. I threw my jacket to the other side of the counter where she shot it. I went to other way and shot her from behind. She groaned but then she shot me in my stomach.

We started shooting each other over and over again until she ran out of bullets. Me being the kind women I am grabbed some bullets for her but when I turned around she had a last bullet in her gun. She pointed it at me. Before I could say anything, she shot me in the butt. 

I let out a quick gasp but then I grabbed her and tackled her to the ground. I was on top of her.

Well hello there, I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and said, Dork.

Hey! I protested. 

She sat on the couch while I just stood there.

Are you going to sit down or just stand there? she said.

Are we going to ignore the fact that you cheated! I said.

I didn't cheat, there were no rules, she said.

I crossed my arms and went and plopped next to her. She pulled me closer to her and cuddled with me. In the end she gave me the ice cream. 

This is how most of the day went when I can back from a long day at work. 

We had nerf battles.


Word count - 313

Hope you enjoy, and stay safe.

Peace out!!

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