Born different- SJ

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Idea from- @user74388301


Being born deaf wasn't something good. I was bullied growing up and I never made friends. Learning sign language was hard I'll admit. I remember never getting a single letter right. I would get frustrated at my self like a child when they can't solve a puzzle. Being discriminated was something more to add. 

Just because I'm deaf doesn't mean I'm blind. I swear some people are like," Do you need help sitting down?" I mean, I know they're trying to help but it gets on my nerves. Like calm down, I want to be independent but I can't if people are trying to help me 24/7. I thought all people that met me were like that but I was wrong. Everything changed the day I met her. 

I was on my to the library. I was walking until I reached the brown building. I opened the door and greeted the librarian. I walked to the Adult section and sat at the very back of the section. I grabbed a chair and I stood on it. I made sure the coast was clear before I stood on it and reached the top of the shelf. I quickly grabbed the comic books I saved from the day before. I leave them there so people won't take it. I put the chair back and sat. I read the black widow comic book and other Marvel books. 

If you haven't noticed I'm in love with Marvel. I must say they are all pretty cool but there is one Avenger who is superior. Thats the one and only Natasha Romanoff. Meeting Scarlett would be a dream come true as most people would say if they meet her but I would tell her how she changed something in me and saved me at a time where no one else could. 

After a while I looked at the clock and I noticed it was 7pm, the library is about to close. I put some books back and the ones I didn't read back on the high shelf. I thanked the librarian and told her bye. Walking out the library was one of the best feelings ever. The cold wind hit my face and the sun started to set. I walked my way back home. As I was walking I accidentally bumped into someone. I turned around and there was a lady with a light brown jacket and some leggings. 

I signed a quick Sorry and left. But my brain was left uneasy. The way her eyes shinned and her lips were pink but not to pink, the perfect color for her. Her blond hair and the curls flew as she turned around to face me. When I got to my house I put my hand in my pocket but my eyes widened. My keys were gone. I started to panic and I walked back. Then someone tapped me and I jumped. The lady was standing there a bit breathless and handed me my keys. 

Thanks I signed. 

No problem she signed. 

Do you want something to drink, I signed.

No thank you but you could make it up by giving me your number, she signed

I smiled a bit and gave her my number. 

Thank you... I signed.

Scarlett, she signed.

Y/n, I signed back. 

I went back inside and flopped on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I took a shower and changed before falling asleep. As soon as I closed my eyes I reopened them. I finally figured out why she looked so familiar. She was Scarlett Johansson. 

The next day she texted me. 

Hey, Y/n.

Hey Scar.

Would you like to go on a date with me?

You go straight to the point don't you miss. Johansson.

Don't want to keep me waiting now Y/n

I would love too but why didn't you tell me you were a celebrity, I stayed awake all night when I finally figured it out.

Where the fun in that 

You're cocky Miss.Johansson.

Sure am I'll pick you up at 6 today?

Thats fine.

Wear something comfortable too.


The day went as normal until I checked the time. It was 5:30. Shit. I walked to my closet,..... okay maybe I ran but that doesn't matter. I but some leggings on and I grabbed a blue sweater. I but my hair in a high pony tail and I put on my sneakers. I added a bit of make up and then I watched tv. The door bell rang and I quickly got up. 

Scar was standing there in leggings and a light green sweater. She had on a scarf but quickly put it on me when she noticed I was shivering. We ended up walking to the beach where she had a tent set up and had food. We ran around in the water even though we were shivering. 

I couldn't think of any other date that would be as perfect as this one. She was the only person who actually understood me. She choose me and made sure to always show me love. Although we had a few fights here and there we always made up. 

I must say it is a total dream having her as a girlfriend and then as a fiancé.


 Word count - 882

Hope you enjoy, stay safe.

Thanks for the suggestion. 

Peace out

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now